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Most recent updates (inventory changes and sales):
[Note: Many updates before March 2021 might be "new stock" listings without the (new) flag.]
(new): Card was sold out and new quantities of a card were added.
(sale): A card was sold on this day.
(out): Card is currently sold out.

DateItem (hover for sales)Base PriceQty LeftGameTypeSeller
Feb 2025Iuchi Daiyu -exp1 - CJ - Rare$3.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Shinjo Tashima - CJ - Uncommon$2.007 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Otaku Kamoko -exp1 - SL - Uncommon$2.409 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Shinjo Rojin - CJ - Common$0.498 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Otaku Baiken - AoD - Common$0.1010 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Shinjo Yasoma - AoD - Uncommon$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Iuchi Katta - SCC1 - Common$0.107 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Otaku Kamoko - IE - Common$0.755 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Iuchi Daiyu - IE - Uncommon$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Iuchi Karasu - IE - Uncommon$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Iuchi Shahai - HE2 - Common$0.258 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Berserkers - ToV - Common$1.008 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Shiryo no Hida - CJ - Rare$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Enlightened Ruler - ToV - Rare$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida War College - ToV - Rare$3.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Otaku Kojiro - SL - Rare$1.99(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Yakamo (Oni) - BP - Reprint$10.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025High Stakes - Jyhad - R$1.249V:TESSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Cunctator Motion - Jyhad - R$0.504V:TESSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Clan Standard - Tourney - PromoSamurai$1.0015 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025A New Wall - SE - Rare$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Glory of the Shogun - WoL - Rare$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Temples of Gisei Toshi - DotE - Fixed$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Where Gods Have Fallen - DotE - Fixed$0.258 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hellbeast - LE - RareFoil$0.752 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Kaiu Haku - CoB - Rare$0.6411 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Kuni Kiyoshi -exp1 - WoL - Rare$0.2511 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Harvest Festival - Promo - PromoLotus$1.5843 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Osami - Promo - PromoLotus$1.852 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Tormented Plains - Promo - PromoLotus$2.994 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Decoy - DE - Rare$0.494 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Allegations - TTT - Uncommon$0.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Yaheiko - KD - Uncommon$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Brothers in Arms -exp1 - SE - RareFoil$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Draw Your Blade - SE - Rare$5.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Temples of Gisei Toshi - SE - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Lies, Lies, Lies... - SE - Uncommon$0.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Akasha -exp2 - EJC - Fixed$10.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Desperate Wager (Alt art) - Levelup - PromoSamurai$1.0014 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025The Price of Power - Tomorrow - ReprintFoil$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025False Trail - SE - Rare$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Otemi's Technique - CotM/UCP - Fixed$2.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Crab Master - CotM/UCP - Fixed$0.15(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Defensive Tactics - THW - Uncommon$0.253 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hellbeast - LE - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Furu no Oni - GotE - Rare$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Hikita - GotE - Rare$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Stagnant Ground - EoME - Rare$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Gutobo - CE - Common$0.106 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Kaiu Sadao - GotE - Reprint$0.102 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Tsi Blade - GotE - Reprint$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Imperial Ambassadorship - CE - Rare$0.5011 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Uzaki no Oni - PotD - Rare$1.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hiruma Hidora - PotD - Uncommon$0.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Secluded Outpost - CE - Rare$8.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Sasumata - SummerCon2009 - PromoCelestial$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Tsudo no Oni - DaK - Fixed$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Harou - TH - Rare$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Only Actions Speak - TPW - Rare$12.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Unstoppable Cut - EaW - Rare$5.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 20251,000 Cuts Technique - TDoW - Rare$5.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Muscle and Steel - TDoW - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Broken Alliance - FL - Fixed$4.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Cursed Relic - FL - Fixed$0.507 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Never Beyond My Reach - FL - Fixed$0.18(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025The Shakash - FL - Fixed$0.182 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Nightingale Blade - SC - Rare$3.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Disgrace - Emperor Edition - Rare$0.7517 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Imperial Gift - Emperor Edition - Rare$12.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Nishimura - Emperor Edition - Rare$0.507 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Temples of Gisei Toshi - Emperor Edition - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Border Market - Kotei2012 - PromoEmpire$0.5023 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Moving and Unmoving - EoW - Rare$3.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025The Shadow's Claw - FOU - Rare$10.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Versatile Blade - Aftermath - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Poorly Placed Garden - Ivory Edition - Uncommon$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Omoni -exp2 - DoW - Rare$0.252 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025City Guard - Promo - PromoLotus$1.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Whispering Archive - tse - Fixed$0.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Engineering Crew - CJ - Common$0.208 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Yamazaki -exp1 - tse - Fixed$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Campsite - GE - Uncommon$0.253 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Poorly Placed Garden - GE - Uncommon$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025The Armor of Sun Tao - GE - Uncommon$0.253 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Sakamoto - AOF - RareFoil$3.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Shrine of Osano-Wo - HE5 - Rare$1.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025In Time of War - DE - Uncommon$0.25(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Traveling Peddler - WoH - Reprint$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Welcome Home - WoH - Reprint$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Lies, Lies, Lies... - PE - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025In Time of War - GE - Uncommon$0.253 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Favor to the Horde - PoH - Uncommon$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Celestial Mempo of the Crab Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Alter History - EaW - Rare$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Determination - SE - RareFoil$4.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Muketsu -exp1 - SE - Rare$1.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Strength - SE - Rare$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Imperial Gift - GE - Rare$12.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Will - SE - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Daigotsu Sachio - EJC - Fixed$1.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Imperial Gift - GE - RareFoil$14.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Daigotsu Kaikou - SE - UncommonFoil$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Ninja Stronghold - EE - Rare$10.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Shadow Dragon -exp2 - EoW - Rare$3.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Sozen -exp2 - EJC - Fixed$25.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Hida Benjiro -exp1 - RotS - RareFoil$4.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Way of Shadow - HE6 - Uncommon$8.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Feb 2025Suikihime's Chambers - CoM - FixedTin$6.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Tsudoken -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Chukage -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Kaitoko -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asukai, the Tireless (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kahoku -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Nitoshi -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Arakan -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Gyoken -exp3 (foil) - CoM - Foil$1.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Hakuseki -exp3 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Hoturi -inexp (foil) - CoM - Foil$3.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025False Ring of Earth (foil) - CoM - Foil$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025False Ring of Fire (foil) - CoM - Foil$3.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hamuro, the Wise (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hantei XVI -inexp (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Nikaru, the Flesh Eater -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$3.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Aimi -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Natsu -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jikoji, Fist of Stone (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Hideo, the Fallen Keeper -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kasuga Aizawa, the Razor's Edge (foil) - CoM - Foil$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kimura, Forgiver of Sins (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Daisuke -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Nimuro -exp2 (foil) - CoM - Foil$5.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Morito Inoue, Scourge of the Plains (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nishoji, the Steel-Eyed (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Okazaki, Breaker of Wills (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Otomo Suikihime, Queen of Fools -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$10.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025P'an Ku -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rokkaku, Master of Scrolls (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Iaimiko -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tselu -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$4.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Kameyoi -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suzume Shindo, the Final Blade (foil) - CoM - Foil$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Dark Naga -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Shakash -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$8.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tochiko, the Jagged Tusk of Death (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Mitsu -inexp (foil) - CoM - Foil$6.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Noboru, the Shattered Star -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toku Saiga, the Metal Storm (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.0011 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tonbo Inuyama, the Eye of Tomorrow (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Usagi Seki, the Untouchable (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.008 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Kanaye -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Minori -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$6.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yunmen, the Whisper (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Zansho -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Aberrations (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.509 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akumasa (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.5012 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Colonial Dojo (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.509 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Colonial Temple (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.506 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Adachi (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.758 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fudo's Fiends (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.509 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Ogata (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.7510 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Kazuya (full bleed) - CoM - Full Bleed$0.7510 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Colonial Temple - CoM - Fixed$0.1012 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Tarako -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$7.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Oda -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$10.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Gonkuro -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of the Crane - ToE - Fixed$0.999 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Way of Will - ToE - Fixed$0.2013 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Timely Arrival - Tomorrow - ReprintFoil$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ruthless Advance - CE - Uncommon$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walking the Way - CE - Uncommon$1.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forewarning - CE - Uncommon$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Doji Plains - FK - Uncommon$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dark Lord's Favor - ToV - Common$5.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Charter of the Crane Clan - JE - Fixed$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Merchant Caravan - FK - Common$5.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Refugees - AoD - Common$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lies, Lies, Lies... - AoD - Uncommon$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Defenders of the Realm - SCC2 - Common$0.1015 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bloodsword - EE - Common$0.209 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterattack - GE - Uncommon$1.0017 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rallying Cry - GE - Common$1.0017 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blackened Claws - GE - Uncommon$0.2510 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Instigator - AoD - Rare$12.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Wolf's Mercy - CoB - Uncommon$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Tao of the Naga - PE - Rare$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida O-Ushi -exp3 - HB - Fixed$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A New Perspective - Gates of Chaos - Uncommon$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Historian - CJ - Common$0.997 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iris Festival - OE - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Test of Courage - ToV - Common$6.5011 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Yakamo -exp2 - JE - Rare$2.99(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Focus - OE - Rare$9.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Large Farm - HE5 - Common$0.757 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nexus of Lies - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.751 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tarui - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.25(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Accessible Terrain - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.251L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Brazen Challenge - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elemental Library - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Iguchi - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Honored Sensei - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Karuiko - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pure Intent - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Questionable Market - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Archers - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.252L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seasoned Ronin - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.251L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Saigyo - Twenty Festivals - CommonFoil$0.501L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ivory Ascendance - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$10.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ivory Ascendance - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$11.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Accepting the Choice - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$15.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Accepting the Choice - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$17.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legion of the Ninth Kami - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$5.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Vision Imparted - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kano, Master Tactician -exp2 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$1.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Amethyst Adjunct - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Kazuki - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ashigaru Farmland - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Banished -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battlefield Challenge - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$11.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Fuyuko -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Tenburo - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Box of Secrets - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Conscription Officer - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Coronation Festival - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Kanpeki, Unleashed -exp4 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Darkness Inside - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Toranosuke -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inevitable Victory - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Intimidation Tactic - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Hibana -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Junghar Regulars - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Otogou - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Iwari - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Shinichi -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legion of the Ninth Kami - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Kaori - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Higaru -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninube Aitso - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Officer's Lodge - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ominous Rumors - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Onyx Ascendance - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$10.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Padis Dojo - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Razorfang - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Secret Alliances - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$11.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seeking Answers - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tsung-min - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stepping Behind The Tapestry - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of the Torrent - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Swifter than Sight - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Swordcatcher - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamori Hirakura - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Terrible Revelations - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Looming Darkness - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$10.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Akira - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Turquoise Adjunct - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$11.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Sakiko -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Venerable Spirit - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walking with the Water - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walls of Death - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Minoko - Thunderous Acclaim - RareFoil$3.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Shinichi -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walking with the Water - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ashigaru Farmland - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Fuyuko -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$5.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Darkness Inside - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Junghar Regulars - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$5.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Iwari - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninube Aitso - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ominous Rumors - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tsung-min - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Minoko - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Exquisite Blade - Jewel2012 - PromoEmpire$12.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Topaz Armor -exp1 - Jewel2012 - PromoEmpire$15.001L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Onyx Championship - Tourney - PromoEmpire$8.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Ruby Championship - Tourney - PromoEmpire$5.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancient Armor of the Qamar -exp1 - Herald - PromoEmpire$25.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Pearl-Encrusted Staff of the Cobras -exp1 - Herald - PromoEmpire$10.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Sacred Rosary of the Constrictors - Herald - PromoEmpire$8.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Deciding Moment (The Second Day of Thunder) - Promo - PromoEmpire$6.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blue Tanuki Bar - Tourney - PromoEmpire$2.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Masatane - Tourney - PromoEmpire$4.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wyrmbone Katana - Tourney - PromoEmpire$12.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mantle of the Jade Champion -exp2 - Jewel2012 - PromoEmpire$8.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Magistrate's Stipend - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$4.0019L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Near Miss - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$4.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bounty Hunter - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$1.0025L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Costly Feud - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$1.0025L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deadlands - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$0.2525L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hunger of the Fire - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$0.2528L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inexpensive Armor - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$0.2529L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Miya Masatsuko - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$0.5027L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tadatsugu - Kotei2011 - PromoEmpire$0.5027L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Oni's Eye - Temptation - PromoCelestial$26.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Favor (Crab) - Store - PromoCelestial$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Underhand's Wrath - Koku - PromoCelestial$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Veteran's Experience - Koku - PromoCelestial$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Ascends - Temptation - PromoCelestial$12.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lavish Gift - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Coastal Waters - Koku - PromoCelestial$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Biwa Player - SummerCon2009 - PromoCelestial$0.5010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Delayed Conflict - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Freedom of the Air - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$2.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Student - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$2.0015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Kabuto - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5027L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kataoko - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nakadai - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soldiers of Clay - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Swell the Ranks - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Torakichi - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Command - Kotei2009 - PromoCelestial$2.0019L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Legionaries - Kotei2009 - PromoCelestial$2.0021L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hisamatsu - Kotei2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5047L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Drills - Kotei2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5044L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuga - Kotei2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5033L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plague of Flesh - Kotei2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Tanizaki - Kotei2010 - PromoCelestial$1.0031L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The War of Dark Fire - Kotei2009 - PromoCelestial$5.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plains of Resolution - SummerCon2009 - PromoCelestial$5.0012 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Festival of Founding - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$10.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Modifications - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$1.105 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mounted Support - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The God-Beast unleashed - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unwelcome Supervision - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$2.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Festival of Coronation - SummerCon2009 - PromoCelestial$6.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Keukegen - Store - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Writ of Reprimand - Herald - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Festival of Drifting Souls - Release - PromoCelestial$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025My Grandfather's Daisho - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Essence of the East Wind - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lightwater Bay - Herald - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Liquid Courage - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Empire Awaits - Release - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsubo the Drunk - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Limbs of Fudo - Herald - PromoCelestial$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Elements Align - Tourney - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Debt Collector - Herald - PromoCelestial$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025De Bellis Yoditorum - Temptation - PromoCelestial$20.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naoharu's Gift - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bottled Fire - Koku - PromoCelestial$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kikushima - Release - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Head of Fudo - Herald - PromoCelestial$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heart of Fudo - Herald - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spider Netsuke - Herald - PromoCelestial$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsi Mokotsu - Herald - PromoCelestial$15.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Paneki's Disgrace -exp6 - Herald - PromoCelestial$32.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Opponent - Tourney - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Overwhelming Numbers - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.406L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Butoken - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cycle of Heaven - Tourney - PromoCelestial$12.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Heavy Elite - Tourney - PromoCelestial$3.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Settling the Homeless (Alternate Art) - StrongholdStore - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Left Hand's Wrath - Koku - PromoCelestial$0.752 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu's Wrath - Koku - PromoCelestial$0.256 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fortifications - Koku - PromoCelestial$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Grip of the Earth - Koku - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heartlands - Koku - PromoCelestial$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daikoku's Guidance - StrongholdStore - PromoCelestial$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Low Quality Mine - Herald - PromoCelestial$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lying in Ambush - Herald - PromoCelestial$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Palace of the Breaking Dawn - Herald - PromoCelestial$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Horai - Herald - PromoCelestial$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utagawa -exp2 - Release - PromoCelestial$10.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Humble House - Release - PromoCelestial$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuronada -exp1 - Release - PromoCelestial$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Yuudai -exp1 - Temptation - PromoCelestial$21.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shrine to Yoritomo - Temptation - PromoCelestial$55.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Brilliant Artisan - Draft - PromoCelestial$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Belly of Fudo - Herald - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Assess Your Foe - Herald - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Barley Farm (alt art) - StrongholdStore - PromoCelestial$1.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Aoyama - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alone With One's Thoughts - Release - PromoCelestial$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traveling Peddler - GotE - Rare$11.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traveling Peddler - Emperor Edition - Rare$8.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traveling Peddler (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial$12.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Barley Farm (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial$4.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dangerous Reconnaissance - GotE - Rare$5.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Hirose - GotE - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Reita - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hasty Exit - GotE - Rare$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Low Stance - GotE - Rare$5.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Sunagawa - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Serizawa - GotE - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Shigeru - GotE - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Changing Paths - GotE - Rare$5.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Zenshi - GotE - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Games of Court - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Ishino - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moonless Riders - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Setting Sun Strike - GotE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Winter's Embrace - GotE - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Armor of the Heavens - GotE - Rare$2.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Half-Breath Strike - GotE - Rare$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Incredible Resilience - GotE - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kami Unleashed - GotE - Rare$2.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unpredictable Strategy - GotE - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inexplicable Challenge - GotE - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Ishikura - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Yuhmi - GotE - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Hariya - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fubatsu No-Dachi - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Hagio - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Tomoi - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Layered Plates - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legion of Death - GotE - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Misato - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Awako - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Nakata - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Phantom Blade Kata - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Public Garden - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ronin Brotherhood - GotE - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shisa Infestation - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Word of Fire - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Suda - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Buroki - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tatsuma - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Hotaru - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Tsuboko - GotE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Xiao - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mounting A Defense - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oishi - GotE - Rare$12.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oyumi - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Paths of Honor & Glory - GotE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Power Corrupting - GotE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pragmatism - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Ki-Chang - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Winds' Favor - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Nakahara - GotE - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Undone by Truth - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unexpected Arrival - GotE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Winter Solstice - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Discreet Retreat - GotE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Naizen -exp3 - CE - Fixed$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fight As One - CE - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Blade of the Crane - CE - Fixed$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Lance of the Unicorn - CE - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Tetsubo of the Crab - CE - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Yari of the Phoenix - CE - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Impromptu Duel - CE - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Mine - CE - Fixed$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kyuden Hida - CE - Fixed$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chen -exp3 - CE - Fixed$10.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seven Fold Palace - CE - Fixed$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shattered Peaks Castle - CE - Fixed$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Tsukimi -exp3 - CE - Fixed$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiro Daidoji - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shrine of Champions - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Silver Mine - CE - Fixed$0.108L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Field of the Winds - CE - Fixed$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Utaku Plains - CE - Fixed$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Legion of One - CE - Fixed$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dragon's Guard City - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fields of the Dead - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Geisha House - CE - Fixed$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Daisho of the Dragon - CE - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Jumonji-yari of the Lion - CE - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Kama of the Mantis - CE - Fixed$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavenly Ninja-to of the Scorpion - CE - Fixed$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hidden Moon Dojo - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kobune Port - CE - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Vengeance - CE - Fixed$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pillars of Virtue - CE - Fixed$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seven Seas Port - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seven Stings Keep - CE - Fixed$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinomen Marsh - CE - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sinister Bisento of the Spider - CE - Fixed$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Shadowed Dojo - CE - Fixed$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Venerable Plains of the Ikoma - CE - Fixed$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025City of Tears - CE - Fixed$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Domotai -exp4 - CE - Fixed$10.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Kuon -exp6 - CE - Fixed$10.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Tayoi - CE - Fixed$0.256 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Shigetoshi -exp2 - CE - Fixed$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Paneki -exp5 - CE - Fixed$10.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Central Castle - CE - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu -exp3 - CE - Fixed$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Taizo - CE - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Kei -exp2 - CE - Fixed$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tetsu Kama Mura - CE - Fixed$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unfortunate Incident - CE - Fixed$0.498L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Marketplace - CE - Fixed$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Precise Strike - CE - Fixed$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Morihiko - CE - Fixed$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025We Stand Ready - CE - Fixed$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Mikura - CE - Fixed$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Arashii - CE - Fixed$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gold Mine - CE - Fixed$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bamboo Harvesters - CE - Fixed$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Border Keep - CE - Fixed$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stables - CE - Fixed$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Copper Mine - CE - Fixed$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Kimpira - CE - Fixed$0.239L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Masato - CE - Fixed$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inspire Fear - CE - Fixed$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamori Wotan - CE - Fixed$0.258L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tonfajutsu - CE - Fixed$0.258L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deathly Aura - TPW - Rare$10.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Proper Deference - TPW - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rising Sun Blade - TPW - Rare$12.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Wind Never Stops - TPW - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Rieko -exp1 - TPW - Rare$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Relentless Conviction - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scouting Far Afield - TPW - Rare$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadow's Talon - TPW - Rare$5.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hee-Young - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Ki-Chang -exp1 - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Orikasa - TPW - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shune - TPW - Rare$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stand as One - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stare Into the Void - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of Will - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Sakkaku - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Yomi - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Yume-do - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamori Shimura - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tennyo - TPW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Cost of Pride - TPW - Rare$5.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Trap is Sprung! - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Konishi - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Touch of the Flames - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Trust the Void - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Gidayu -exp1 - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Ogata - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Ohashi - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Yu-Pan -exp2 - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Void Dragon's Guidance - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Water Dragon's Guidance - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Whispers of the Forgotten - TPW - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Kitsuki's Ashes - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Air Dragon's Guidance - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ao-bozu - TPW - Rare$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Bairei -exp4 - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Keirei - TPW - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Caught Unawares - TPW - Rare$3.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Mishime -exp2 - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Claw and Shell - TPW - Rare$15.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Concealed Scroll - TPW - Rare$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Akagi -exp2 - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Setsuko -exp1 - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earth Dragon's Guidance - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fire Dragon's Guidance - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gutobo -exp1 - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heedless Assault - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Satoru - TPW - Rare$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imaishi - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Gauntlet Brothers - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iweko's Journals - TPW - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Masked in Shadows - TPW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Kenji -exp1 - TPW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Mori - TPW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025My Life Is Yours - TPW - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Order of the Wooden Blade - TPW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Overpowering Assault - TPW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ultimate Sacrifice - EaW - Rare$15.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ekichu no Oni - EaW - Rare$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiroshi's Legion - EaW - Rare$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hozumi - EaW - Rare$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Smoke Cover - EaW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Distractions in Court - EaW - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Perfect Aim - EaW - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Hagio -exp1 - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Toruken - EaW - Rare$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Immovable Object - EaW - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Shioki - EaW - Rare$5.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Asakazu - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Hunters - EaW - Rare$5.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Otomo Seimi - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shameful and Cowardly - EaW - Rare$18.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Morihiko -exp1 - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Jalair - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sought for Justice - EaW - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Startling Attack - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sudden Strike - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Mobility - EaW - Rare$15.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Jigoku - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Unmaking - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Timely Save - EaW - Rare$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Furai - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Shisuken -exp1 - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ugaro - EaW - Rare$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Waylay the Messenger - EaW - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Weight of Numbers - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wrath - EaW - Rare$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Manzo - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Kimi -exp2 - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unnatural Flood - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rekai's Yumi - EaW - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Fujiko -exp1 - EaW - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Osano-Wo's Guidance - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi's Legacy - EaW - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yagimaki's Fist - EaW - Rare$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battle Fatigue - EaW - Rare$0.253 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Jutsushi -exp1 - EaW - Rare$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fearless Defense - EaW - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fire on My Command - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Force of Spirit - EaW - Rare$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Benjiro -exp2 - EaW - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Shikoujin - EaW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma House Guard -exp1 - EaW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Todori -exp3 - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kusamoto - EaW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Stain Cleansed - EaW - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kahoku - EaW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Hotako -exp2 - EaW - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dangerous Indulgence - EaW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Kusari - EaW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Shikishi - EaW - Rare$8.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bishamon's Guidance - EaW - Rare$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Out of Nowhere - TDoW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fifth Wind Cavalry - TDoW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heroic Inspiration - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Open Emotion - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Jimen -exp2 - TDoW - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fires of War - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unnatural Hunger - TDoW - Rare$3.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025No Pure Breaths - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pure Breath - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Southern Blockade - TDoW - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Subversive Influence - TDoW - Rare$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Noritoshi -exp3 - TDoW - Rare$8.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Raemon - TDoW - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Seiichi -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Temple - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Armor of the Loyal Son - TDoW - Rare$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Hitsuko - TDoW - Rare$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Awed Witness - TDoW - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Muhito -exp2 - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cavalry for Hire - TDoW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Inisi - TDoW - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Concentrated Fire - TDoW - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Consumption by Fire - TDoW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Sadayori - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Gahseng -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dark Oracle of Fire -exp2 - TDoW - Rare$8.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ekibyogami's Spite - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Eijiko -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hunting the Daughter - TDoW - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inari's Blessing - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Infamous Strike - TDoW - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Furiko - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Kumai -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Katamari -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jimen's Decree - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Know the Terrain - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuni Kiyoshi -exp2 - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legendary Feud - TDoW - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Fumiyo -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.753 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Hojatsu - TDoW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Kalani -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Jeng-Yun - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Panther Tattoo - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Preparedness - TDoW - Rare$8.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rain of Justice - TDoW - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Second-Hand Goods - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hwarang -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Shigemasa - TDoW - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shuriken and Smoke - TDoW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamori Wotan -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Kami's Whisper - TDoW - Rare$2.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Shiori -exp1 - TDoW - Rare$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toritaka Horoiso - TDoW - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Toburo - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ujisato - TDoW - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Winter Siege - TDoW - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamago -exp2 - TH - Rare$17.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hold Them Off - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025In Aikune's Name - TH - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Toshio - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Ryozo - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Senichi - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Shigo - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arranged Guilt - TH - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Ekei -exp1 - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Burn the Village - TH - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chain and Sword - TH - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Civility - TH - Rare$8.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Yuki - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Yuhmi -exp1 - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dance of Blades - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Determined Force - TH - Rare$6.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Nenkai - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Extensive Training - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Furumaro - TH - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Generosity - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heaven's Tears - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Elite - TH - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Kosho -exp1 - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Mitsuko - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Takashi - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Knowledge from Within - TH - Rare$5.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Ichizo -exp1 - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Kang -exp1 - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025One with the Flame - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Search for Survivors - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Yamauchi - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sister of the Sun - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Miroki - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stand Down! - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike from the Shadows - TH - Rare$6.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Subtle Sting - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Maigo no Musha - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Toshigoku - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temporary Truce - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Dread Kar - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Eighth Legion - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Wrath of Kali-Ma - TH - Rare$5.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Kyoshi - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Travel Swiftly - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Tairu - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wander Among the Stars - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wanyudo - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Takara - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Tatsuhiko - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yuhmi no Oni - TH - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Banish All Doubt - TH - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Suboru - TH - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emma-O's Guidance - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Enticement - TH - Rare$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Prepare for the Worst - TH - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Tashime -exp1 - TH - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Akemi - TH - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Thriving Light - TH - Rare$4.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Paragon's Strength - TH - Rare$5.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seiden Sanzo - CE - Rare$8.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Taru - CE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni-Daikyu - CE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Slow Death - CE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Census - CE - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peaceful Discourse - CE - Rare$1.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida War Drums - CE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hold! - CE - Rare$2.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Satobe - CE - Rare$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Song of the World - CE - Rare$2.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi's Tactics - CE - Rare$1.0018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traveling Ronin - CE - Rare$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Kurei - CE - Rare$1.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Hirata - CE - Rare$3.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Defensive Screen - CE - Rare$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Snow Riders - CE - Rare$3.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Maseru no Oni - CE - Rare$1.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Hundred-Hand Strike - CE - Rare$2.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Last One - CE - Rare$1.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Vengeance Cannot Wait - CE - Rare$1.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hand of Osano-Wo - CE - Rare$1.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seeking the Path - CE - Rare$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yarijutsu - CE - Rare$3.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Time for Action - CE - Rare$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deeds and Words - CE - Rare$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Impressive Resilience - CE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsune Den - CE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shikage no Oni - CE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Touch of Death - CE - Rare$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Famous Bazaar - CE - Rare$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Acrobat Troupe - CE - Rare$4.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Warrior's Patience - CE - Rare$2.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ambush - CE - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Control - CE - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Countermove - CE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flanked by Nightmares - CE - Rare$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fury of the Dark Lord - CE - Rare$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gift Armor - CE - Rare$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hamstrung - CE - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Insight - CE - Rare$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Justly Earned Victory - CE - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Idzuki - CE - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Fumiyo - CE - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Palm Strike - CE - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Taoist Archer - CE - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Will - CE - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Rieko - CE - Rare$0.995L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arrival of the Emerald Champion - CE - Rare$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Beloved of the Clan - CE - Rare$4.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blade of Guile - CE - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Silent Rot - CE - Rare$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Keiko - CE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Versatile Army - CE - Rare$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Veteran Advisor - CE - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wedge - CE - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unexpected Intimidation - CE - Rare$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kurogane - IG2 - Fixed$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arugai no Oni - IG2 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kayama - IG2 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Tsubaki - IG2 - Fixed$8.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Breath of the Dragon - IG2 - Fixed$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Fukuzo - IG2 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Oki - IG2 - Fixed$8.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Shinjitsu - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Delayed Arrival - IG2 - Fixed$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Do Not Turn Your Back! - IG2 - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Kato - IG2 - Fixed$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dutiful Yojimbo - IG2 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthen Blade - IG2 - Fixed$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elite Archers - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fall Back! - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Family Histories - IG2 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Regulars - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Rokurota - IG2 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Etsuro - IG2 - Fixed$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Igawa - IG2 - Fixed$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Infamous Blade - IG2 - Fixed$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Fan - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Reido - IG2 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Kota - IG2 - Fixed$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Toshiro - IG2 - Fixed$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Hanbei - IG2 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lost Traveler Castle - IG2 - Fixed$5.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mastery of the Blade - IG2 - Fixed$0.253 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Mansaiko - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Military Alliance - IG2 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Ayabe - IG2 - Fixed$3.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Takako - IG2 - Fixed$5.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025My Father's Shrine - IG2 - Fixed$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Obfuscation - IG2 - Fixed$5.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Outmatched - IG2 - Fixed$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pokupo - IG2 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rejuvenating Vapors - IG2 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Nobuyuki - IG2 - Fixed$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Kodama - IG2 - Fixed$4.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Simple Merchants - IG2 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Straw Horse - IG2 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sunrise Keep - IG2 - Fixed$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Stone Discovered - IG2 - Fixed$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Token of Destiny - IG2 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traveling Wardens - IG2 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Oguri - IG2 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Undefended Border - IG2 - Fixed$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Under Siege - IG2 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Yanai - IG2 - Fixed$1.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Well-Defended Border - IG2 - Fixed$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Life for a Soul - IG3 - Fixed$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ambitious Merchant - IG3 - Fixed$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Okimoto - IG3 - Fixed$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Aspiring Ronin - IG3 - Fixed$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Awakened Blade - IG3 - Fixed$10.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Orijitte - IG3 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Disfavor - IG3 - Fixed$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Coordinated Assault - IG3 - Fixed$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Demand Obedience - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deny the Darkness - IG3 - Fixed$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deny the Horde - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Faint Praise - IG3 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fearsome Mempo - IG3 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fettered Minion - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Mochitoko - IG3 - Fixed$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Howls of the Dead - IG3 - Fixed$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Quan - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kazuwaru - IG3 - Fixed$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Marimi - IG3 - Fixed$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuni Iyedo - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Planned Adversity - IG3 - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seasoned Ronin - IG3 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadowed Words - IG3 - Fixed$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shelter of the Earth - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Kyushi - IG3 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Liu Ying - IG3 - Fixed$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Nishu - IG3 - Fixed$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sohei's Duty - IG3 - Fixed$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Steed of the Ebbing Tides - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strategic Keep - IG3 - Fixed$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Subversive Whispers - IG3 - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Succumb to Vice - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamori Ochimo - IG3 - Fixed$5.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Kakeko - IG3 - Fixed$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Yuhiko - IG3 - Fixed$1.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Tetsuru - IG3 - Fixed$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Exotic Goods - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Furegami - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Miyami - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ominous Battlefield - IG3 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Opportunistic Advance - IG3 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shattered Stone Kata - IG3 - Fixed$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tarui - IG3 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Gazuke - IG3 - Fixed$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025As the Breakers - IG1 - Fixed$0.2011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Bundoru - IG1 - Fixed$1.0020L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dance of the Winds - IG1 - Fixed$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Discovering Lost Lore - IG1 - Fixed$0.208L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Drinking One's Life - IG1 - Fixed$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Facilitation - IG1 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fubatsu Blade - IG1 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Manoru - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hitofu - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Couriers - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Intercession - IG1 - Fixed$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Itsuoko - IG1 - Fixed$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Taminoko - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Notsuo - IG1 - Fixed$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Military Assessment - IG1 - Fixed$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Osano-Wo's Rebuke - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Regional Treasurer - IG1 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Miyoto - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Chunoken - IG1 - Fixed$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Kioko - IG1 - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025War-Torn Plains - IG1 - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Call Forth the Dead - IG1 - Fixed$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Consecration of Steel - IG1 - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daku no Oni - IG1 - Fixed$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Game of Sincerity - IG1 - Fixed$5.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scholarly Attendant - IG1 - Fixed$0.156L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tobashi - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chiang -exp1 - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Kang's Sword - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Suteru - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Might of the Kami - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Whispers of the Dying Moon - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dutiful Apprentice - PotD - Rare$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seven Waves Mercenaries - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Gaki-do - PotD - Rare$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Talisman of Meido - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Mochisa -exp1 - PotD - Rare$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Force of Law - PotD - Rare$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Yodo - PotD - Rare$3.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Souhiko - PotD - Rare$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Utemaro -exp2 - PotD - Rare$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Hisoka -exp1 - PotD - Fixed$8.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Susumu -exp1 - PotD - Fixed$7.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fingers of Bone - PotD - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Jin-Sahn -exp1 - PotD - Fixed$10.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Twin Soul Temple - TH - Fixed$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seawatch Castle - TPW - Fixed$6.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Shigetoshi -exp2 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial$15.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Copper Mine (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Infernal Mempo of the Spider Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Outsider Keep - EaW - Fixed$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Confusion at Court - CE15 - PromoCelestial$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Odaka - GotE - Fixed$12.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Kyoka - GotE - Fixed$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Ikokawa - GotE - Fixed$8.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Hakuseki -exp1 - TPW - Fixed$5.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fortress of the Forgotten - TPW - Fixed$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Great Hall of Records - TPW - Fixed$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Yaheiko -exp1 - TPW - Fixed$10.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Mikura -exp1 - TPW - Fixed$3.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Dragon Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Unicorn Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Crane Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Lion Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Mantis Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Phoenix Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Mempo of the Scorpion Clan - CE15 - Fixed$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Last Step Castle - TH - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Masakazu -exp1 - TH - Fixed$5.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Shiki - TH - Fixed$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Sayoko -exp1 - TH - Fixed$8.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Kenzo -exp2 - EaW - Fixed$3.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Miyako -exp2 - EaW - Fixed$5.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Farthest Fortress - EaW - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fortress of Blackened Sight - EaW - Fixed$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Beniha -exp1 - TDoW - Fixed$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Aramasu's Vigilance - TDoW - Fixed$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Embassy of the Crane - TDoW - Fixed$10.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Eihiko -exp1 - TDoW - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Sahara -exp1 - TDoW - Fixed$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kyuden Suzume - TDoW - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Palace of Crimson Shadows - PotD - Fixed$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mountain Watch Keep - PotD - Fixed$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Dun -exp1 - EaW - Fixed$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kyuden Kitsune -exp1 - SC - Fixed$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dragon's Breath Castle - SC - Fixed$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bamboo Harvesters (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial$1.3012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Border Keep (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial$1.3011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chikara -exp1 - PotD - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Komiya - PotD - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chagatai's Armor - PotD - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Gahseng - PotD - Rare$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deflection - PotD - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Desperate Rush - PotD - Rare$6.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Bukita - PotD - Rare$5.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hand of the Obsidian Dragon - PotD - Rare$6.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Ikarukani - PotD - Rare$5.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hidden Route - PotD - Rare$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Tobikuma - PotD - Rare$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Impossible Force - PotD - Rare$4.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Fosuta -exp1 - PotD - Rare$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Laying in Wait - PotD - Rare$2.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master the Body - PotD - Rare$2.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pull the String - PotD - Rare$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hansu - PotD - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Yoshihara - PotD - Rare$8.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Speed of the Blade - PotD - Rare$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suitengu's Gateway - PotD - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Satsu -exp5 - PotD - Rare$2.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unclean Sacrifice - PotD - Rare$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walk in Shadows - PotD - Rare$4.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wall of Honor - PotD - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Whispers of the Dying Sun - PotD - Rare$3.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legion of Toshigoku - PotD - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Channeling Jigoku's Essence - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Tsubota - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hand of the Jade Dragon - PotD - Rare$6.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Mizuhiko -exp1 - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Kensho-in -exp1 - PotD - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lead By Example - PotD - Rare$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Yukihito - PotD - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Lost Path - PotD - Rare$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Kazuki -exp1 - PotD - Rare$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Useful Connections - PotD - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Expendable Resources - PotD - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wandering Scout - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025War Dogs - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wisdom Gained - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wisdom of the Keepers - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yukari no Onna - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Writ of Restriction - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Okitsugu - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Diamond Mine - CE - Uncommon$0.2512L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Discretionary Valor - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dissolution - CE - Uncommon$0.466L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Duty - CE - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Falling Leaf Strike - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Festival of Cherry Blossoms - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Final Sacrifice - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fueling the Flames - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hisao - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inheriting an Heirloom - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jinako - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Keen Blade - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuronada - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Large Farm - CE - Uncommon$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Monkey Magistrates - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Permanent Encampment - CE - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Private Shrine - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Resilient Naginata - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Fire - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Water - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Selfless Politics - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shame Never Dies - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spearhead - CE - Uncommon$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Swift Sword Cut - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temple to Shinsei - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The New Order - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Shiori - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unstoppable Power - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dramatic Assassination - CE - Uncommon$1.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Bachiatari - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Eijiko - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Aki - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Houhou - CE - Uncommon$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Manipulation - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Ushio - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Minawa - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Fusaburu - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unicorn War Dogs - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Knife in the Darkness - CE - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Taban - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Reinforce the Gates - CE - Uncommon$1.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Mizuno - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of the Bamboo - CE - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Vision - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ceremonial Armor - CE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Claiming the Throne - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupt Officials - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Courage - CE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Courtesy - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Decree of Peace - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Allegations - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Berserkers - CE - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Gyoken - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Convenient Disaster - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dance of the Kami - CE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Darkness Unleashed - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seized Territory - Kotei2007 - PromoSamurai$1.0015 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crosswinds Cut Style - StS - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Turong -exp1 - StS - Rare$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Etsuko - StS - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Hideyo -exp1 - CoB - RareFoil$0.39(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaeru Fields - WoL - Rare$0.508 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Standard of the Lion Clan -exp1 - EoME - Rare$0.503 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Hanzhi -exp1 - EoME - Rare$0.258 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crosswinds Cut Style - StS - RareFoil$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Sword of the Ki-Rin - HV - Rare$0.507 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Suren - SE - Uncommon$0.493 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025War on the Plains - LE - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unicorn Marketeer - DE - Rare$0.492 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chai - StS - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Umeka -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Keyo -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$3.992 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Horiuchi Nobane -exp1 - RotS - Rare$3.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Horiuchi Rikako - TTT - Rare$2.0012 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Gyonwan - RotS - Uncommon$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tianyi - LE - Uncommon$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Lineage - RotS - Uncommon$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Yu-Pan -exp1 - RotS - RareFoil$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Fuyuko - EoME - Common$0.1010 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Kohana - CE - Common$0.1312 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Untested Scouts - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unwavering Assault - CE - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Meadows - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Weigh the Cost - CE - Common$0.1011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wyrm Riders - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Saburo - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Suwa - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Zanaru - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Farmlands - CE - Common$0.1015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Follow the Flame - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025From Every Side - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Chuckers - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Greater Sacrifice - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gumbai-Uchiwa - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gunso - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Infantry - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heroic Feat - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Kaoru - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Masatari - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Ogano - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hidden Scandal - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Gohachiro - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hitsu-Do - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Toraji - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Impeccable Nobility - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Artificer - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial City Guards - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Akihiro - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Kyoko - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Mizuhiko - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Nakajima - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Xiong - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Hideo - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Berii - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Last Gift - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Light Infantry - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master Saleh - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Satsune - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Qu Yuan - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mountains of the Phoenix - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mujina Gang - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nagataka - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Outer Walls - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Relief - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Restoring Order - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rich Coffers - CE - Common$0.2515 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rout - CE - Common$0.169L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Settling the Homeless - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shameful Injury - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hwarang - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Naota - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Tomoko - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Ganrou - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Souls of Virtue - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spearmen - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Steel on Steel - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tetsuo - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Height of Courage - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Wrath of Osano-Wo - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Those Who Stand Alone - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tiger Climbing Mountain - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Gato - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Taro - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Touch of Ice - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Omori - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Sanjo - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Twice-Cutting Spirit - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unfamiliar Ground - CE - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Advance Position - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Ueda - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Aggressive Landing - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Sagashite - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Shunori - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo's Grave - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Armor of Command - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battle of Drowned Honor - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Eisaku - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kurumi - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Sakai - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Black Hearts, Red Blades - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blessed Tessen - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blowdarts - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Border Village - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Castle of Water - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Charge - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Hiroe - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Consumed by Five Fires - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counting House - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Sakihiko - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Zoushi - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Setsuko - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Hatashi - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Senta - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Encircled Terrain - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Enough Talk! - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Extended Maneuvers - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Failure of Courage - CE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Family Keep - CE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arrows Do Not Falter - TH - Uncommon$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deceit and Subterfuge - TH - Uncommon$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Shuzo - CE - Uncommon$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Yaichiro - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Datsue-ba - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Favor to the Horde - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forests of Shinomen - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Okirou - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pokku - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of the Void - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shameful Tactics - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flight of Doves - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ride Through the Night - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Threat of Execution - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Earth - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Never Stand Alone - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ramifications - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Desolate Plains - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traitor's Grove - CE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battle Maiden Troop - CE - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hurlspit Goblins - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Steadfast Bushi - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Clan Estate - CE - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Air - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rise, Brother - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Boshanai - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shio no Oni - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elaborate Preparations - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chasing Osano-Wo - CE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Anhui - CE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Umi-Bozu - CE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Ayano - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Insurmountable Obstacle - CE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Test of Courage - GotE - Reprint$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Daizu - GotE - Reprint$0.10(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Frenzy - GotE - Reprint$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Morale Officer - GotE - Reprint$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wretched Mercenary - GotE - Reprint$0.102L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Ikage - GotE - Reprint$0.102 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025An Imperial Marriage - GotE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Might of the Shadowlands - GotE - Uncommon$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Split the Reed - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unexplained Illness - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fluid Formation - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Honor & Steel - GotE - Uncommon$0.756L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shukku - GotE - Uncommon$1.008 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Elite Guard - GotE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Takagi - GotE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temple of Tsukune - GotE - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Murata - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Togeriso - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Hiroshi - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Yumiya - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hongo - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Naomasa - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Ming-li - GotE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Osawa - GotE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Elite Guard - GotE - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Hankyu - PoH - Rare$2.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Footman's Pike - THW - Rare$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Koutetsu Mukei - SE - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gleaming Wakizashi - HC - Rare$0.993 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Asai - PotD - Uncommon$1.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Breath of the Heavens - PotD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inspirational Victory - PotD - Uncommon$3.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Chuuna - PotD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Calm Before Death - PotD - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Yorio - PotD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Fosuko - PotD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Sadaka - PotD - Uncommon$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Kasei - PotD - Uncommon$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Udo - PotD - Uncommon$5.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Apprentice Shinobi - PotD - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Saka - PotD - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi's Guidance - PotD - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Consuming the Flesh - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Isoroku - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deployed Reinforcements - PotD - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disarm - PotD - Uncommon$3.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earth's Embrace - PotD - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Eternal Armor - PotD - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forging the Gift - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida's Guidance - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Smithy - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kata of the Concealed Blade - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsune Iwarou - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Last Stand - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Washizuka - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nerve Strike - PotD - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nightshade Touch - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025One Soul's Strength - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Overwhelming Pressure - PotD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Sakaki - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shielded by Tempest - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Rina - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Scouts - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo's Guidance - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Ohba - PotD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength in Honor - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength in Terror - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sympathy for the Assaulted - PotD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tempered No-Dachi - PotD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Test of Sincerity - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fire Answers - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi's Guidance - PotD - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Hana - PotD - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yasuki Otsuka - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo's Guidance - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Nagataka - PotD - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cleansing the Path - PotD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo's Guidance - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Kirimi - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Selfless Defense - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wrath of the Thunder - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji's Guidance - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Besieged Borderland - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025First to Fall - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Laughter of the Flames - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Eihiko - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Shikana - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unshakable Resolve - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Paisei - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Direct Approach - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Akagi - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Shintaro - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Nabeta - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Dosei - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bare Ground - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seeking the Guilty - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Masao - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crushing Strength - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fu Leng's Guidance - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Sogetsu - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Synchronized Attack - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Assault Riders - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Earth Answers - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Minoru - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Border Ambush - PotD - Common$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gakku - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Masserah - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Monstrous Might - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sharpened Naginata - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba's Guidance - PotD - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tae-hyun - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Torao - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Hoshimi - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Misako - PotD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Thorough Preparations - PotD - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dove Tattoo - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Downhill Assault - EaW - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Endless Rain - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Final Confrontation - EaW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fury of Suitengu - EaW - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Honorable Death - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Knowledge of the Land - EaW - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Death is Not the End - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Attuned to the Elements - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025One with the World - EaW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Law's Strength - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Under Arrest - EaW - Uncommon$0.495L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Jin-lao - EaW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancient Tome - EaW - Uncommon$0.495L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bitter Lies Student - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mysterious Ailment - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Night Watchers - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Takaikabe Mura - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Undying Warriors - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Ayako - EaW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Darisu - EaW - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crossing the Forbidden Sea - EaW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Akihime - EaW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hidden Entrance - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Otsuko - EaW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Chiko - EaW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Tajihi - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Maruken - EaW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Mimaro - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Kinihara - EaW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Kalen - EaW - Uncommon$0.496L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Ritsuko - EaW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bakunai - EaW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hands of Stone - EaW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Orders - EaW - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sudden Rebuke - EaW - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthen Fist - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fortified Docks - EaW - Common$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Paid Off - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shatter the Line - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stable Ground - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dockside Market - EaW - Common$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elemental Disciple - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flow of the Water - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Umakai - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stay Put - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hired Thugs - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mountainous Region - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rus'tik'tik - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wooden Barricade - EaW - Common$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Himaru - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Shigehiro - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Toshio - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Jadaran - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Koji - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Kaemon - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthen Armor (+4) (token) - EaW - Common$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disposable Troops (token) - EaW - Common$1.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Areru - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blade of Perfection - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bridging the Gap - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Conscript Troops - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Essence of Death - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Feign Weakness - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goju Katsume - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Futaro - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Nakai - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuni Shikehime - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Misuka - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Merciless Tactics - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Tobushi - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Protect the Caravan - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Savagery - EaW - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Goto - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinran - EaW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stripped Armor - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unmoving as the Mountain - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthen Armor (+3) (token) - EaW - Common$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flooded Terrain (token) - EaW - Common$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Improvised Weapon (token) - EaW - Common$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Infantry Follower (token) - EaW - Common$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lion Ancestor (token) - EaW - Common$5.008 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Zombie Peasant (token) - EaW - Common$2.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuroko's Creation (token) - EaW - Common$1.507 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Readied Blade (token) - EaW - Common$2.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Travel Light - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Clan Conflict - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Arima - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ichiro Kaagi - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Munoru - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Preparing the Bodies - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Secured Borders - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sullied Gift - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Rai - EaW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Atone Through Life - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Jou - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bestial Rage - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Well Scouted Target - TDoW - Uncommon$0.601 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ignoble Demise - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Khol Regulars - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yukataka no Onna - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Vigorous Sparring - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Draw Attention - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Guided by Honor - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shatter the Wave - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Taxing the Scum - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Kokiden - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Azumamoru - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tokido - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Kuniki - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Yosuga - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Bokuko - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Seisha - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Liu-Xeung - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Ebiro - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hachigoro - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Yiu - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Takaharu - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Aranai (Spider Clan) - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Testament of Fire - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Impromptu Weapon - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Tsubasa - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Aranai (Mantis Clan) - TDoW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Daikyu - TDoW - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Leaked Information - TDoW - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Shadow Court - TDoW - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Words Have Strength - TDoW - Uncommon$1.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Balance in Water - TDoW - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Controlling the Seas - TDoW - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Shikatsu - TDoW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Calculated Offensive - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hidden in the Shadows - TDoW - Common$0.256 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iainuki - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Reckless Assault - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Snow-Covered Plain - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Winter Pilgrimage - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crippling Weather - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daisho - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Meng-Do - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Kamarou - TDoW - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Castle of Earth - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Croplands - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Drawing the Void - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Endless Stamina - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Akeno - TDoW - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Desora - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ieyoshi - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Karyuudo - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Katahide - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Kinyo - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Preserve Your Forces - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Ujifusa - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Gohiko - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Hirotsugu - TDoW - Common$0.256 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike Quickly - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temporizing Ground - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Okamoto - TDoW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsume Spearmen - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Waves Rush to the Shore - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Ai - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025All Water Flows - TDoW - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Archery Unit - TDoW - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Saito - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Kagami - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dependable Gear - TDoW - Common$0.256 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Nukada - TDoW - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Favor of Artisans - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fosuta no Oni - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Ato - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Sako - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Midnight Shadows - TDoW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Kijima - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Public Records - TDoW - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tobasa - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Private Farm - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Reach Across the World - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Snowy Plains - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Treacherous Defile - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsangusuri - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025With My Last Breath - TDoW - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Innuendo - TPW - Common$0.138L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Gisei - TPW - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Foolish Pride - TPW - Uncommon$2.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Shun - TPW - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Gifu - TPW - Uncommon$3.0012 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Iwao - TPW - Uncommon$1.0012 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mountain Storehouse - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Blessed Herd - TPW - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cold Hands, Stone Heart - TPW - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hundred-Fold Cut - TPW - Uncommon$0.508 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inexorable Defeat - TPW - Uncommon$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Patrolling the Roads - TPW - Uncommon$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Reckless Confrontation - TPW - Uncommon$2.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unimpeachable Name - TPW - Uncommon$3.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unwavering Commitment - TPW - Uncommon$0.524 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sarassa - TPW - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tetsu Kama Mine - TPW - Uncommon$1.008 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Kanashi - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Shimekiri - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Radiant Steel - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rise Corrupted - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Silent Struggle - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tetsubo of Earth - TPW - Uncommon$0.524L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Serpent's Deception - TPW - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Kana - TPW - Uncommon$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Tranquil Mind - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Kyorai - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dance of the Void - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deception Revealed - TPW - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Sniper - TPW - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Successful Bounty - TPW - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Silent Blade - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Tahei - TPW - Uncommon$0.526L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Pure Heart - TPW - Common$0.133 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Honor's Hope - TPW - Common$0.135 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ide Kin - TPW - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Impetuous Challenge - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oppression - TPW - Common$0.103 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Claws of the Wolf - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025East Wind Riders - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mountain Herd - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Narrow Cliffs - TPW - Common$0.135L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Part the Waves - TPW - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Arima - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tenshi - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Haruya - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Haru - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Kotaro - TPW - Common$0.136L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ao-bozu's Blade - TPW - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthen Tetsubo - TPW - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hariya's Blade - TPW - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Infantry Follower - TPW - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toshi Ranbo Guard - TPW - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Cleansing Death - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Assaults Without Finesse - TH - Uncommon$0.505 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cowed by Wisdom - TH - Uncommon$2.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spider Cultist - TH - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strengthening Protection - TH - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Dead Do Not Rest - TH - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Badgers Live - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Light of Justice - TH - Uncommon$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flawless Assassin - TH - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Newly-Discovered Mine - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Prayer to Hotei - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sadamune Blade - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Senzo - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Azuma - TH - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fortitude - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Hebi - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hope Against Hope - TH - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Kado - TH - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ki-Rin Tattoo - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Learn by Doing - TH - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utaku Toshie - TH - Uncommon$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Hikoko - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Mago - TH - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Shigeo - TH - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Kita - TH - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alert the Guard - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arjuna Singh - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blades of the Fallen Phoenix - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Intimidating Stance - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Takino - TH - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Reisei - TH - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Suiha - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Dakotsu - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pinned Down - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Roaring Sky - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Gosho - TH - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yojimbo's Glory - TH - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Mokichi - TH - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadow Plays - TH - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chikara (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dutiful Cavalry (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Farmland Conscripts (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fudo (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Maseru no Oni (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pawn of Corruption (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Phantom Blade (Token) - TH - Common$0.759L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Allies (Token) - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spirit of Maigo no Musha (Token) - TH - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Walking Dead (Token) - TH - Common$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Aura of Malice - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Maws of Stone - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Kazue - TH - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Negotiations at Court - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025No Hope - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Offices of the Emerald Magistrates - TH - Common$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oyo Seido - TH - Common$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Poorly Chosen Allies - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Preserving What Was Lost - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Riding in Harmony - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scout Armor - TH - Common$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Ikuko - TH - Common$0.106 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stolen Property - TH - Common$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utogu no Oni - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Akuto - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spinning Heel Kick - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toritaka Okabe - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wind-Borne Aid - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Kushi - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pacify - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Senseki Province - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naggru - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Saving Kazumasa - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Snow-Swept Summit - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Kusadao - TH - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Apprehending the Villain - TH - Common$0.156L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bakemono Pups - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Border Pass - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Br'nn - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Botan - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daigotsu Koneru - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Kazuo - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elite Guard - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flashy Technique - TH - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Gondo - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Junghar Legion - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Let None Draw Near - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Meisetsu - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chuluun - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Armor - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Storm-Forged Blade - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Vigilant Eyes - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Eita - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kin - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kindebu - TH - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Momochi - TH - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Game of Sincerity - WoH - Reprint$10.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disreputable House - WoH - Fixed$10.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ronin Brotherhood - WoH - Reprint$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fortuitous Alliance - WoH - Fixed$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heaven's Tears - WoH - Reprint$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hired Legion - WoH - Reprint$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Ambassadorship - WoH - Reprint$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Relentless Conviction - WoH - Reprint$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seven Stings Keep - WoH - Reprint$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinsei's Tomb - WoH - Reprint$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Tabito -exp1 - WoH - Reprint$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tetsu Kama Mura - WoH - Reprint$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Nakahara - WoH - Reprint$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Student - DaK - Fixed$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi Suzuki - DaK - Fixed$0.5015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unleashed Fury - DaK - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yasuki Tijaki - DaK - Fixed$0.5018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Iwata - DaK - Fixed$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Tsudoken - DaK - Fixed$5.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Fosu - DaK - Fixed$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Demonic Possession - DaK - Fixed$0.2515L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Expected Arrival - DaK - Fixed$0.2015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forward Camp - DaK - Fixed$0.2012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Presenting Papers - DaK - Fixed$0.2515L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Preserving Honor - DaK - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Searching the Libraries - DaK - Fixed$0.2512L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Ji-tae - DaK - Fixed$1.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Kai Li - DaK - Fixed$0.5017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Loss of the Soul - DaK - Fixed$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Second Death of Kisada - DaK - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A False Accusation - DaK - Fixed$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chuda Seikai - DaK - Fixed$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Civil Discussion - DaK - Fixed$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doomed Undertaking - DaK - Fixed$0.255 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Essence of Destruction - DaK - Fixed$8.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Essence of Evil - DaK - Fixed$0.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Final Duty - DaK - Fixed$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Adjudication - DaK - Fixed$5.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Aichiko - DaK - Fixed$3.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Blade - DaK - Fixed$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seppun Tashime - DaK - Fixed$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadowed Steel - DaK - Fixed$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Takuma - DaK - Fixed$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tamori Shaiko - DaK - Fixed$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025United - DaK - Fixed$0.255 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Veiled Menace - DaK - Fixed$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Kazunori - DaK - Fixed$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cavalry Tactics - DaK - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Censure of Thunder - DaK - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chugo Seido - DaK - Fixed$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Court Attendants - DaK - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Defensive Nature - DaK - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Hachimoto - DaK - Fixed$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025I Do Not Die So Easily! - DaK - Fixed$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Arrival - DaK - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Shunran - DaK - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Momiji - DaK - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Rena - DaK - Fixed$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nosloc no Oni - DaK - Fixed$0.996L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scouting Ahead - DaK - Fixed$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suikotsu - DaK - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Training Maneuvers - DaK - Fixed$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo Iwata -exp1 - DaK - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Desperate Defense - Promo - PromoLotus$1.135 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gohei's Daisho - HB - Rare$5.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Earth (Kanji) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$15.001L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Fire (Kanji) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$15.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Water (Kanji) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$15.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Deciding Moment (The Ascension of Iweko) - Promo - PromoEmpire$20.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Deciding Moment (The Khan's March) - Promo - PromoEmpire$5.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha's Mirror - SCC3 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025All Distances are One - SCC3 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sunabe - SCC3 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Swamp Spirits - SCC3 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Streets of Otosan Uchi - SCC3 - Common$0.0518L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daikua - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disloyalty - SCC2 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fires of Retribution - SCC2 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fury of the Earth - SCC2 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi's Curse - SCC2 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Touching the Soul - SCC2 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025When Men Stand Divided - SCC2 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Samurai Never Stands Alone - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Unclean Cut - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arrival of the Unicorns - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Freezing the Lifeblood - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Garrison - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jurojin's Touch - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Political Distraction - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Robbing the Dead - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Exalted Ugu - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Secret Entrance - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Soul Goes Forth - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025War Wagon - SCC1 - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Tomo - EE - Common$0.105 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Toju - EE - Common$0.259 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walking the Way - EE - Uncommon$2.992 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Breach of Etiquette - EE - Uncommon$2.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Assassin - EE - Uncommon$1.9910 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Thief - EE - Uncommon$0.498 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kharmic Strike - EE - Uncommon$0.992 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legendary Victory - EE - Uncommon$0.993 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of the Void - EE - Uncommon$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Agetoki - EE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kage - EE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alhundro Cornejo - EE - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthquake - EE - Uncommon$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Explosives - EE - Uncommon$0.505 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fires of Purity - EE - Uncommon$0.556 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Frenzy - EE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kyoso no Oni - EE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Shapeshifter - EE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Water - EE - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temple of the Ancestors - EE - Uncommon$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Animate The Dead - EE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Barbican - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Amoro - EE - Uncommon$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Miya Yoto - EE - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ogre Bushi - EE - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sake Works - EE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shuten Doji - EE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Trade Route - EE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battering Ram Crew - EE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bon Festival - EE - Uncommon$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Climbing Gear - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterattack - EE - Uncommon$4.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterspell - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Diamond Mine - EE - Uncommon$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elemental Ward - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emperor's Peace - EE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Feeds Upon Itself - EE - Uncommon$0.203L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Glimpse of the Unicorn - EE - Uncommon$0.203L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Cavalry - EE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Infantry - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hurricane - EE - Uncommon$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tadaka - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuni Yori - EE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Marsh Troll - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master Smith - EE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mists of Illusion - EE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Tsume - EE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Bowmen - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Spearmen - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Shikibu - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Revolt - EE - Uncommon$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Bushi - EE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Air - EE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Earth - EE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Fire - EE - Uncommon$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shady Dealings - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shame - EE - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hanari - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Test of Stone - EE - Uncommon$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Star of Laramun - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Mitsu - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Yoshi - EE - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Zombie Troops - EE - Uncommon$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Kaede - EE - Uncommon$0.996L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Way of Deception - EE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Uji - EE - Common$0.258L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Tamori - EE - Common$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Hisa - EE - Common$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blacksmiths - EE - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Block Supply Lines - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Break Morale - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Yosai - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forest - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ginawa - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Go Master - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Chuckers - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Warmonger - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hawks and Falcons - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Sukune - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tampako - EE - Common$0.208L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Horiuchi Shoan - EE - Common$0.207L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Duel - EE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Uona - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Light Cavalry - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Look into the Void - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Gohei - EE - Common$1.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Yojo - EE - Common$0.1010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Daini - EE - Common$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Hitomi - EE - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Morito - EE - Common$0.105L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Shugenja - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Warlord - EE - Common$0.1010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Spy - EE - Common$0.1011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oath of Fealty - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pearl Divers - EE - Common$0.2512L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Port - EE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rally Troops - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rallying Cry - EE - Common$1.6518L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Katsuda - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Tsukune - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Yasamura - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shuriken of Serpents - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Small Farm - EE - Common$0.1015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Faeries - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - EE - Common$1.0022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toku - EE - Common$0.2521L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yotsu Seiki - EE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Otaku Kamoko - EE - Common$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Togai - EE - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mercy - EE - Rare$1.993 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Resist Magic - EE - Rare$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Motso - EE - Rare$1.992 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Junzo - EE - Rare$0.991 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hawk Riders - EE - Rare$1.992 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master of the Tea Ceremony - EE - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Hametsu - EE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Solar Eclipse - EE - Rare$1.993 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi - EE - Rare$0.991 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Apprentice - EE - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Yasu - EE - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blackmail - EE - Rare$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bloom of the White Orchid - EE - Rare$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Foxwife - EE - Rare$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gaijin Mercenaries - EE - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ide Tadaji - EE - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tsuke - EE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Personal Champion - EE - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadow Samurai - EE - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bountiful Harvest - EE - Rare$2.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Debt of Honor - EE - Rare$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emergence of the Tortoise - EE - Rare$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forgotten Tomb - EE - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Takaai - EE - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Demon-Bride of Fu Leng - EE - Rare$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Armor of Crane Clan - EE - Fixed$5.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Alignment - EE - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Portents - EE - Rare$55.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Akuma - EE - Rare$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Refuse Advantage - EE - Rare$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Samurai Warriors - EE - Rare$1.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Terrible Standard of Fu'Leng - EE - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sneak Attack - EE - Rare$11.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Egg of Pan' Ku - EE - Rare$15.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Investigation - EE - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Yakamo (Hero) - EE - Rare$4.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Immortal Steel - EE - Rare$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025School of Wizardry - EE - Rare$5.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spirit Guide - EE - Rare$2.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Acrobats - EE - Rare$2.753L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Quest - EE - Rare$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scribe - EE - Rare$1.995L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dead Walk The Earth - EE - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Moment of Truth - AoD - Rare$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To the Last Man - AoD - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Prophecy Fulfilled - AoD - Rare$0.505 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disfavored - AoD - Rare$3.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shashakar -exp1 - AoD - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Perfect Gift - AoD - Rare$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Tao of the Naga - AoD - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Kokujin - AoD - Rare$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupted Silver Mine - AoD - Common$1.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disrupted Resources - AoD - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Political Dissent - AoD - Rare$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shallow Victory - AoD - Rare$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To Avenge Our Ancestors - AoD - Rare$5.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi -exp1 - AoD - Rare$10.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arrival of the Emerald Champion - AoD - Rare$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kamoto - AoD - Rare$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Takuan - AoD - Rare$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Thunder's Sacrifice - AoD - Rare$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kage -exp1 - AoD - Rare$1.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Duty to the Empire - AoD - Rare$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fu Leng's Horde - AoD - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kusatte Iru - AoD - Rare$2.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Prophecy of the Hero - AoD - Rare$3.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Valley of Shadow - AoD - Rare$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yodin - AoD - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kisada's Blockade - AoD - Rare$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plague Skulls - AoD - Rare$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsukuro - AoD - Rare$4.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suzume Mukashino - AoD - Common$0.2018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Treacherous Terrain - AoD - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025As the Shadow Falls - AoD - Uncommon$0.253 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cremation - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Defender from Beyond - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Drum of Water - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Duty to the Clan - AoD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hammer of Earth - AoD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hirariko - AoD - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hototogitsu - AoD - Uncommon$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Taxation - AoD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inaccessible Region - AoD - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Osugi - AoD - Uncommon$2.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Pass - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kasuga Kyoji - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Interference - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mantle of Fire - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Seijuro - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mikio - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Monsoon - AoD - Uncommon$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Qakar - AoD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Retirement - AoD - Uncommon$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rise, Brother - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Slander - AoD - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Nightstalker - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tapestry of Air - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Darkest Day - AoD - Uncommon$0.203L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Way of Fire - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Yama - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elemental Vortex - AoD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hoseki - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Utsu - AoD - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Ichiba - AoD - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Shrines of Otosan Uchi - AoD - Common$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battlefield of Shallow Graves - AoD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Tangen - AoD - Common$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forests of Shinomen - AoD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Kimura - AoD - Common$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Conjuror - AoD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025River Region - AoD - Common$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Face of Fear - AoD - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Koishi - AoD - Common$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The First Shout - FK - Common$1.1012 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crushing Attack - FK - Uncommon$10.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of the Earth - FK - Uncommon$0.103 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Virtues of Command - FK - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Kidnapper - FK - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nemesis - FK - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike with No-Thought - FK - Uncommon$2.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Oyo - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Garrote - FK - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Suman - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Kaze - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Mosaku - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Eye of Shorihotsu - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Baku - FK - Uncommon$0.996L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Beiden Pass - FK - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bribery - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Courage of the Seven Thunders - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dealing With Shadows - FK - Uncommon$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dragon Sword is Broken - FK - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fearful Populace - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fu Leng's Steeds - FK - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Funeral - FK - Uncommon$0.403L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mantis Budoka - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mantis Samurai - FK - Uncommon$2.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Seiryoku - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Taki-Bi - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Qarash - FK - Uncommon$0.996L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Reserve Movement - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Reversal of Fortunes - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shield Wall - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Coward's Way - FK - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Elements' Fury - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Isawa Woodlands - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Kaiu Walls - FK - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Rinjin - FK - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unfettered Attack - FK - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wheel of Fate - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wind-Borne Slumbers - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Akeru - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Jimen - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Mizu - FK - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fires that Cleanse - FK - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Tsanuri - FK - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lesser Oni - FK - Common$1.0020L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Artificer - FK - Common$0.499L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Black Market - FK - Common$1.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bog Hag - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Brash Hero - FK - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Delicate Calculations - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disharmony - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Farmlands - FK - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Higher Ground - FK - Common$0.109 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kemmei - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Toshiro - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moving the Shadow - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ningyo - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Personal Standard - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pikemen - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ramash - FK - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scorn - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seikua - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sharing the Strength of Many - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike At The Roots - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Final Breath - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The People's Expense - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Second Shout - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Those Who Stand Alone - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Mikoto - FK - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuruchi - FK - Common$0.108L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Asami - FK - Common$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Change of Loyalty - SL - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Saboteur - FK - Rare$2.994 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ide Daikoku - FK - Rare$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Whisperer - FK - Rare$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spoils of War - FK - Rare$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Uona -exp1 - FK - Rare$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ride Until Dawn - FK - Rare$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plains of Otosan Uchi - FK - Rare$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tides of Battle - FK - Rare$0.252 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025An Untold Cost - FK - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Katana of Fire - FK - Rare$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuni Yori -exp1 - FK - Rare$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Daini -exp1 - FK - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pearl of Wisdom - FK - Rare$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ruined Keep of Fu Leng - FK - Rare$0.497L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seize the Day - FK - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yari of Air - FK - Rare$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Shoju - FK - Rare$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Purity of the Seven Thunders - FK - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chasing the Wind - FK - Rare$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Family Loyalty - FK - Rare$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Your Life Is Mine - FK - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gunsen of Water - FK - Rare$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dairya -exp1 - FK - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kotaro - FK - Rare$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dark Daughter of Fu Leng - FK - Rare$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hantei the 38th - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025East Wall of Otosan Uchi - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.507 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sanado - SCC1 - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Taoshi - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.507 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025South Wall of Otosan Uchi - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.509 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The 38th Hantei Falls - SCC1 - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Sze - SCC2 - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Shapeshifter -inexp - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Feint - OE - Rare$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Investigation - OE - Rare$1.991 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsuki Yasu - OE - Rare$3.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Resist Magic - OE - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Assassin - OE - Uncommon$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Breach of Etiquette - OE - Uncommon$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Thief - OE - Uncommon$0.492 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legendary Victory - OE - Uncommon$0.991 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Martyr - OE - Uncommon$2.991 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shady Dealings - OE - Uncommon$1.994 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Way of Deception - OE - Uncommon$0.994 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Hametsu - OE - Rare$5.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blazing Arrows - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Frenzy - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Spearmen - OE - Uncommon$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Explosives - OE - Uncommon$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bountiful Harvest - OE - Rare$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ide Tadaji - OE - Rare$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Necromancer - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Proposal of Peace - OE - Rare$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Alignment - OE - Rare$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthquake - OE - Uncommon$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Agetoki - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Tsume - OE - Uncommon$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plague - OE - Uncommon$0.252 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Armour of the Golden Samurai - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fires of Purity - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mists of Illusion - OE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion - SCC1 - Uncommon$3.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Yokuan - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Matoko - SCC3 - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Vision of Truth - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blackmail - OE - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Curse of the Jackal - ToV - Common$0.2018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forgiveness - ToV - Common$0.2018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tadashiro - ToV - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Suma - ToV - Common$0.2018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaze-do - ToV - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sailors - ToV - Common$0.2518L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Sanetama - ToV - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Light of Amaterasu - ToV - Common$0.2518L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Archers - OE - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Brilliant Victory - OE - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Copper Mine - OE - Common$0.1023L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Encircled Terrain - OE - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gold Mine - OE - Common$0.1023L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Mine - OE - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Works - OE - Common$0.1023L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Market Place - OE - Common$0.1021L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Occupied Terrain - OE - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Pack - OE - Common$0.1018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sanctified Temple - OE - Common$0.1019L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Silver Mine - OE - Common$0.1022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Skeletal Troops - OE - Common$0.1019L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spearmen - OE - Common$0.1021L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stables - OE - Common$0.1022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Gohei - OE - Common$0.606L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Warlord - OE - Common$0.202L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Spy - OE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha Tamori - OE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Tomo - OE - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crystal Katana - OE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Uji - OE - Common$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Yosai - OE - Common$0.108L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Entrapping Terrain - OE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Warmonger - OE - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Toju - OE - Common$0.258L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Light Cavalry - OE - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Daini - OE - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Morito - OE - Common$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rallying Cry - OE - Common$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toku - OE - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yasuki Taka - OE - Common$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Otaku Kamoko - OE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wyrm Riders - OE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Miya Yoto - OE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Swamp Spirits - OE - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temple of the Ancestors - OE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Genin - OE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Shapeshifter - OE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Occult Murders - OE - Uncommon$0.1011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Revolt - OE - Uncommon$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Bushi - OE - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Retreat - OE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shame - OE - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hanari - OE - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shuten Doji - OE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Test of Stone - OE - Uncommon$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Armour of Sun-Tao - OE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Star of Laramun - OE - Uncommon$0.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Yoshi - OE - Uncommon$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unexpected Allies - OE - Uncommon$0.1012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Zombie Troops - OE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Air - OE - Uncommon$0.256L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Earth - OE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Fire - OE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of the Void - OE - Uncommon$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Water - OE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of Purity - OE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elemental Ward - OE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Infantry - OE - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Amoro - OE - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mask of the Oni - OE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Hiroru - OE - Uncommon$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Servant - OE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Kage - OE - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alhundro Cornejo - OE - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alliance - OE - Uncommon$0.203L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Animate The Dead - OE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battering Ram Crew - OE - Uncommon$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bon Festival - OE - Uncommon$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Climbing Gear - OE - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterattack - OE - Uncommon$4.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterspell - OE - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Diamond Mine - OE - Uncommon$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Feeds Upon Itself - OE - Uncommon$0.208L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fantastic Gardens - OE - Uncommon$0.2510L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Glimpse of the Unicorn - OE - Uncommon$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Greater Mujina - OE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tsuru - OE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hurricane - OE - Uncommon$0.102L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Kaede - OE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tadaka - OE - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Daiyu - OE - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Yuri - OE - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kharmic Strike - OE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kuni Yori - OE - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kyoso no Oni - OE - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Marries a Barbarian - OE - Uncommon$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master Smith - OE - Uncommon$0.5014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Sukune - OE - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Yasu - OE - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bloom of the White Orchid - OE - Rare$1.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chrysanthemum Festival - OE - Rare$1.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emergence of the Tortoise - OE - Rare$1.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fire Breather - OE - Rare$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Acrobats - OE - Rare$2.756L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Quest - OE - Rare$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ki-Rin - OE - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master of the Tea Ceremony - OE - Rare$3.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naka Kuro - OE - Rare$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Personal Champion - OE - Rare$1.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Refuse Advantage - OE - Rare$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Samurai Cavalry - OE - Rare$0.993L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spirit Guide - OE - Rare$2.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Motso - OE - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sneak Attack - OE - Rare$11.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Portents - OE - Rare$55.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Portents - OE - Rare$55.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Egg of Pan' Ku - OE - Rare$13.50(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Ujiaki - OE - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves - OE - Rare$2.994L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fort On A Hill - OE - Rare$3.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Apprentice - OE - Rare$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Foxwife - OE - Rare$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fan of Command - OE - Rare$0.50(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Samurai Warriors - OE - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gaijin Mercenaries - OE - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scribe - OE - Rare$3.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kachiko -inexp - SCC1 - Uncommon$5.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Shoju -inexp - SCC1 - Fixed$6.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Ujemi - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Endless Well - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shoju's Armor - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi's Labyrinth - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The World Stood Still - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Kisada -inexp - SCC3 - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Armor of Osano-Wo - SCC1 - Common$0.105L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Dozan - SCC1 - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Shidachi - SCC1 - Common$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Uojin - SCC2 - Common$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kappa - SCC2 - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shazaar - SCC2 - Common$0.499L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Trading Port - SCC2 - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fortune's Wisdom - SCC3 - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Toturi -inexp - SCC3 - Fixed$8.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Agasha's Illusion - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma's Last Breath - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Palace Guard - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tomo's Portal - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lieutenant Morito - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lions Attack the Crane - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.208L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The First Scroll is Opened - SCC1 - Uncommon$0.205L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi House Guard - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lieutenant Daini - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.993L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lieutenant Uji - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025My Enemy's Weakness - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025North Wall of Otosan Uchi - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Dragon Pearl - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fair Voice of Lies - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.205L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Kharmic Wheel Spins - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.204L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Purity of Kitsu - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Ruby of Iuchiban - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The True Lands - SCC2 - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Greater Destiny - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina's Breath - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Give Me Your Hand - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Ujina -inexp - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa's Helm - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lieutenant Tsanuri - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Obi of Protection - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Subversion - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suru's Mempo - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The People's Champion - SCC3 - Uncommon$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Shiba Fortification - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Soul of Akodo - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.996L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Soul of Shiba - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.995L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Temples of Shinsei - SCC3 - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi is Drugged - SCC1 - Uncommon$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kaiu Castle - SCC3 - Uncommon$3.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 20251 Complete set of SCC1/2/3 C/U/R$40.00(out) (new)L5RCard Lotsquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Taberu - BP - Reprint$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Rising Sun - BP - Reprint$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Rinjin - BP - Reprint$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alliance - BP - Reprint$0.251 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Block Supply Lines - BP - Reprint$0.101 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bushi Dojo - BP - Reprint$0.251 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Careful Planning - BP - Reprint$0.101 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deadly Ground - BP - Reprint$0.252 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Diversionary Tactics - BP - Reprint$0.102 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Entrapping Terrain - BP - Reprint$0.252 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Frenzy - BP - Reprint$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Mob - BP - Reprint$0.102 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Medium Infantry - BP - Reprint$0.101 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Sukune - BP - Reprint$0.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025No-Dachi - BP - Reprint$0.102 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Outflank - BP - Reprint$0.104 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Water - BP - Reprint$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scout - BP - Reprint$0.101 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unexpected Allies - BP - Reprint$0.201 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Yoshi - BP - Reprint$0.992L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthquake - BP - Reprint$0.492L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Undead Champion - BP - Reprint$3.001L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi - BP - Reprint$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dairya - BP - Fixed$6.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Biting Steel - BP - Reprint$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emperor's Peace - BP - Reprint$0.251 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Mine - BP - Reprint$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ogre Bushi - BP - Reprint$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Air - BP - Reprint$0.254L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Earth - BP - Reprint$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Fire - BP - Reprint$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sanctified Temple - BP - Reprint$0.105L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shield Wall - BP - Reprint$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Small Farm - BP - Reprint$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Assassin - BP - Reprint$1.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lesser Oni - BP - Reprint$0.258L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Solar Eclipse - BP - Reprint$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Archers - BP - Reprint$0.102L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Charge - BP - Reprint$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Contentious Terrain - BP - Reprint$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupted Ground - BP - Reprint$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Encircled Terrain - BP - Reprint$0.055L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Explosives - BP - Reprint$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Infantry - BP - Reprint$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Challenge - BP - Reprint$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Duel - BP - Reprint$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Works - BP - Reprint$0.1011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oath of Fealty - BP - Reprint$0.104L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of the Void - BP - Reprint$0.252L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - BP - Reprint$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Test of Might - BP - Reprint$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forward Patrol - Promo - PromoJade$12.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Conscripts - SL - Common$0.1022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wakizashi - SL - Common$0.1020L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Force of Will - SL - Common$1.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blood of Midnight - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Bantaro - SL - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Another Time - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arrows from the woods - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Confusion at Court - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthworks - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikiryo - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Torikago - SL - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Taki - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Tsuburo - SL - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suspended Terrain - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temple of Bishamon - SL - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tomb of Jade - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Warhorses - SL - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wounded in Battle - SL - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Goshiu - SL - Uncommon$3.997 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Taberu - SL - Uncommon$0.509 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Court Jester - SL - Uncommon$1.0018 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Arrow - SL - Uncommon$1.007 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Goblet - SL - Uncommon$0.5011 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Levy Troops - SL - Uncommon$1.0012 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadowlands Sickness - SL - Uncommon$1.0011 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Code of Bushido - SL - Uncommon$1.9915 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Stout Heart - SL - Uncommon$0.5013 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Enough Talk! - SL - Uncommon$1.509 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plea of the Peasants - SL - Uncommon$4.0011 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadowmadness - SL - Uncommon$0.5014 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Thief - SL - Uncommon$0.506 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Turtle's Shell - SL - Uncommon$4.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ashlim - SL - Uncommon$0.9924L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Crane - SL - Uncommon$2.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Ward - SL - Uncommon$0.5010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hiruma Kage - SL - Uncommon$0.5013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Yogoso - SL - Uncommon$0.9913L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu House Guard - SL - Uncommon$1.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shabura - SL - Uncommon$1.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Aramoro - SL - Uncommon$1.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji House Guard - SL - Uncommon$1.0017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Crab - SL - Uncommon$0.5016L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Dragon - SL - Uncommon$0.5013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Lion - SL - Uncommon$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Naga - SL - Uncommon$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Phoenix - SL - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Scorpion - SL - Uncommon$0.5016L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doom of the Unicorn - SL - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forced March - SL - Uncommon$4.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gust of wind - SL - Uncommon$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Han-kyu - SL - Uncommon$1.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida House Guard - SL - Uncommon$0.5015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Kaoku - SL - Uncommon$0.999L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Oyabun - SL - Uncommon$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mamoru - SL - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mara - SL - Uncommon$3.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Hitomi -exp1 - SL - Uncommon$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto House Guard - SL - Uncommon$0.5010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nageteppo - SL - Uncommon$1.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Ogon - SL - Uncommon$3.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Sanru - SL - Uncommon$1.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba House Guard - SL - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo House Guard - SL - Uncommon$0.5010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stale Wind - SL - Uncommon$1.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fire from Within - SL - Uncommon$3.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Nameless One - SL - Uncommon$1.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Call To Arms - SL - Uncommon$3.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Kamu (Oni no Ogon) - SL - Rare$35.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Falling Darkness - SL - Rare$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Hooded Ronin - SL - Rare$9.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Threat of War - SL - Rare$0.994 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Broken Sword of the Scorpion - SL - Fixed$10.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Minor Oni Servant - SL - Rare$7.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Hametsu - SL - Fixed$3.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Gift of Honor - SL - Rare$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Darkness Feeds... - SL - Rare$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025His Most Favored - SL - Rare$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike at the Tail - SL - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Twist of Fate - SL - Rare$1.995 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Kyoto - SL - Rare$1.325L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Supai - SL - Rare$1.992L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025False Alliance - SL - Rare$0.9911L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Garegosu no Bakemono - SL - Rare$2.996L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Imperial Levying - SL - Rare$6.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tadaka -exp1 - SL - Rare$12.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025New Year's Celebration - SL - Rare$0.653L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Setsuban Festival - SL - Rare$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Rising Sun - SL - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025When Darkness Draws Near - SL - Rare$0.755L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mantis Bushi - SL - Rare$3.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadowlands Madmen - SL - Rare$2.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Final Charge - SL - Rare$1.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Touch of Despair - SL - Rare$15.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Utter Defeat - SL - Rare$6.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Obsidian Mirror - SL - Rare$5.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Merchant Caravan - CJ - Reprint$5.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupted Copper Mine - CJ - Common$3.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025One Koku - CJ - Common$2.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ashamana - CJ - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bandit Gang - CJ - Common$0.059L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Reju - CJ - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Island Wharf - CJ - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kado - CJ - Common$0.9912 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lost Valley - CJ - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Goemon - CJ - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Sada - CJ - Common$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Genso - CJ - Common$2.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Levies - CJ - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Secluded Ravine - CJ - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stand Against the Waves - CJ - Common$7.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike of Flowing Water - CJ - Common$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tokiuji - CJ - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuo - CJ - Common$0.499L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tunnel System - CJ - Common$0.209L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disrupt the Aura - CJ - Common$0.1020L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Takao - CJ - Uncommon$1.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shalasha - CJ - Uncommon$0.5014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsunami - CJ - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Osano-Wo's Breath - CJ - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forest of Thorns - CJ - Uncommon$0.9918L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Jodome - CJ - Uncommon$0.5019L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Inner Fire - CJ - Uncommon$1.0022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Breaking Blow - CJ - Uncommon$0.508 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fight for My Favor - CJ - Uncommon$0.508 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025New Taxes - CJ - Uncommon$0.5011 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Antidote - CJ - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Borderland - CJ - Uncommon$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ikoma Ryozo - CJ - Uncommon$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025An Oni's Fury - CJ - Uncommon$0.7516L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Are You With Me? - CJ - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battle at Isawa Palace - CJ - Uncommon$0.504 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Tasu - CJ - Uncommon$1.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Brothers of Thunder - CJ - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chinoko - CJ - Uncommon$0.5014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterfeit - CJ - Uncommon$0.5016L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Cowardice - CJ - Uncommon$0.5011 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dance of the Elements - CJ - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deploy Reserves - CJ - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Divine the Future - CJ - Uncommon$0.757L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Fresh Horses - CJ - Uncommon$0.5010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hyobe - CJ - Uncommon$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Incense of Concentration - CJ - Uncommon$0.5014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Ichiro - CJ - Uncommon$0.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kenku - CJ - Uncommon$2.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kenshin's Helm - CJ - Uncommon$0.5018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Bodyguard - CJ - Uncommon$0.5014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat's Favor - CJ - Uncommon$0.5016L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Light of the Sun Goddess - CJ - Uncommon$0.1017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mantis Shugenja - CJ - Uncommon$1.0018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Master of the Rolling River - CJ - Uncommon$0.2511L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mine Riots - CJ - Uncommon$0.1019L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Night of a Thousand Fires - CJ - Uncommon$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nobuo - CJ - Uncommon$0.757L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Chi - CJ - Uncommon$1.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Robes of Shinsei - CJ - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shadow of the Dark God - CJ - Uncommon$0.2012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suana - CJ - Uncommon$0.5023L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summons From Beyond - CJ - Uncommon$0.1023L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Visage of the Void - CJ - Uncommon$0.5018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Void Strike - CJ - Uncommon$0.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wisdom the Wind Brings - CJ - Uncommon$0.4912L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yasuki Kojiro - CJ - Uncommon$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Temple of Osano-Wo - CJ - Fixed$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Weapons of the Mantis - CJ - Fixed$4.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Touch of Shinsei - CJ - Rare$2.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Soshi Bantaro -exp1 - CJ - Rare$6.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Know Your Enemy - CJ - Rare$4.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Along the Coast at Midnight - CJ - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forced Alliance - CJ - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Mitsu -exp1 - CJ - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Tomo -exp1 - CJ - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Architects of The Wall - CJ - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Armor of the Shadow Warrior - CJ - Rare$5.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ginawa -exp1 - CJ - Rare$4.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Motso -exp1 - CJ - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Great Bear - CJ - Rare$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Hooded Ronin -exp1 - CJ - Rare$10.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiryo no Doji - CJ - Rare$3.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiryo no Otaku - CJ - Rare$3.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tetsuya - CJ - Rare$4.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Death of Tsuko - CJ - Rare$2.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Clan Heartland - CJ - Rare$3.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yugoro - CJ - Rare$3.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Marumo - ToV - Common$0.2522L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crystal Gate - ToV - Common$0.2520L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin War Standard - ToV - Common$0.5020L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hizuka - ToV - Common$0.1021L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legions of Fu Leng - ToV - Common$0.2024L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mystical Terrain - ToV - Common$0.2521L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Obsidian Blade - ToV - Common$0.2524L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ryokan's sword - ToV - Common$0.1020L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strength of Osano-Wo - ToV - Common$0.2023L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuyu - ToV - Common$0.2022L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Pekkle - ToV - Common$5.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Ugulu - ToV - Common$3.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupt Gold Mines - ToV - Common$3.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupt Geisha House - ToV - Common$5.0014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Corrupt Stables - ToV - Common$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bend Like a Reed - ToV - Common$1.301 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Komaro - ToV - Common$0.206L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025For the Empire! - ToV - Uncommon$7.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Provincial Estate of Unicorn (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$4.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Yoritomo Alliance (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$4.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Amoro -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Regions of Rokugan - ToV - Uncommon$5.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Esteemed House of the Crane (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$7.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Hidden Temples of the Naga (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$4.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Ruined Fortress of Scorpion (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$6.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The War Fortress of the Crab (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$4.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi's Army (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$3.993L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yogo Junzo's Army (story-backed) - ToV - Uncommon$5.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shosuro Hametsu -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$3.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Hisa -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.756L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yasuki Taka -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.5013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Good Day to Die - ToV - Uncommon$2.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akiyoshi -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asako Ishio - ToV - Uncommon$0.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counting the Lost - ToV - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dashmar -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$1.992L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Kuwanan -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elite Heavy Infantry - ToV - Uncommon$2.0017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Heavy Mounted Infantry - ToV - Uncommon$0.107L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025In time of war - ToV - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Uona -exp2 - ToV - Uncommon$4.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Karasu -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jiujutsu Duel - ToV - Uncommon$1.9910L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Yoshi -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kappuksu -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Toju -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Gohei -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$2.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mikio -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$4.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mirumoto Yukihira - ToV - Uncommon$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moshi Wakiza -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.755L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mujina Miners - ToV - Uncommon$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Stalkers - ToV - Uncommon$0.7516L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Nogoten's Bow - ToV - Uncommon$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Radakast -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rebuilding the Kaiu Walls - ToV - Uncommon$0.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rest, my brother - ToV - Uncommon$0.759L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinobi - ToV - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Strike Without Striking - ToV - Uncommon$5.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Surrender - ToV - Uncommon$0.5012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Teeth of the Serpent - ToV - Uncommon$0.2014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Heavy Shadow of Fear - ToV - Uncommon$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Hero's Triumph - ToV - Uncommon$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Plains of Amaterasu - ToV - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Sight of Death - ToV - Uncommon$0.5018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Touch of Amaterasu - ToV - Uncommon$0.5018L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toku -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.5013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Untrustworthy - ToV - Uncommon$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Warrior Monks - ToV - Uncommon$1.0015L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Moment of Clarity - ToV - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Your Last Mistake - ToV - Uncommon$1.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Time is Now - ToV - Uncommon$1.006L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Soul of Thunder - ToV - Uncommon$2.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025al-Hazaad - ToV - Uncommon$2.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Depth of the Void - ToV - Uncommon$1.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Essence of Earth - ToV - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gaijin Merchant - ToV - Uncommon$1.0013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gekkai - ToV - Uncommon$2.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Harima - ToV - Uncommon$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025River Delta - ToV - Uncommon$0.509L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Phoenix is Reborn - ToV - Uncommon$0.507L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Yoshi -exp1 - ToV - Uncommon$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unattuned - ToV - Uncommon$1.2513L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tadaka no Oni -exp1 - TTT - RareFoil$2.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tadaka -exp2 - ToV - Fixed$3.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Scorpion's Sting - ToV - Rare$4.202 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi's Tactics - ToV - Rare$15.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chi Strike - ToV - Rare$3.505 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Dragon - ToV - Rare$4.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toturi -exp2 - ToV - Rare$60.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025A Moment of Truth - ToV - Rare$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bonds of Darkness - ToV - Rare$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Concealed Weapon - ToV - Rare$2.992L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Disenlightenment - ToV - Rare$0.994L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Yosai -exp1 - ToV - Rare$0.494L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Festival of Long Sticks - ToV - Rare$0.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kage -exp2 - ToV - Rare$3.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Agetoki -exp1 - ToV - Rare$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Seikua -exp1 - ToV - Rare$0.5910L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Hanari -exp1 - ToV - Rare$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Path of Wisdom - ToV - Rare$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Twelve Ronin - ToV - Rare$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To Save an Empire - ToV - Rare$3.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shahadet's Legion - ToV - Rare$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Standard of the Scorpion - ToV - Rare$5.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025As Far as the Eye can See - ToV - Rare$1.994L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Final Stand - ToV - Rare$0.993L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Salute of the Samurai - ToV - Rare$1.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Factionism - ToV - Rare$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yodin -exp1 - ToV - Rare$0.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Yoritomo's Armor - ToV - Rare$2.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hawk Riders - IE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Debt of Honor - IE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rise of the Phoenix - IE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blackmail - IE - Rare$7.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bountiful Harvest - IE - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bloom of the White Orchid - IE - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bayushi Togai - IE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Celestial Alignment - IE - Rare$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emergence of the Tortoise - IE - Rare$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Apprentice - IE - Rare$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Feint - IE - Rare$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Resist Magic - IE - Rare$4.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spirit Guide - IE - Rare$8.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Chrysanthemum Festival - IE - Rare$5.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Akodo Toturi - IE - Rare$12.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gaijin Mercenaries - IE - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Akuma - IE - Rare$12.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Egg of Pan' Ku - IE - Rare$20.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Yakamo (Oni) - IE - Rare$25.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Portents - IE - Rare$72.00(out) (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Immortal Steel - IE - Rare$7.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plague - IE - Uncommon$0.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Bushi - IE - Uncommon$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Retreat - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Fire - IE - Uncommon$8.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shady Dealings - IE - Uncommon$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Swamp Spirits - IE - Uncommon$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wyrm Riders - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alhundro Cornejo - IE - Uncommon$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Alliance - IE - Uncommon$0.993 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bon Festival - IE - Uncommon$0.503 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Breach of Etiquette - IE - Uncommon$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Evil Feeds Upon Itself - IE - Uncommon$1.008 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Explosives - IE - Uncommon$3.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Glimpse of the Unicorn - IE - Uncommon$1.006 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tsuru - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kharmic Strike - IE - Uncommon$5.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Infiltrator - IE - Uncommon$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Legendary Victory - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Marries a Barbarian - IE - Uncommon$1.005 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Martyr - IE - Uncommon$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Agetoki - IE - Uncommon$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Imura - IE - Uncommon$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Bowmen - IE - Uncommon$3.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Spearmen - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Shikibu - IE - Uncommon$1.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Revolt - IE - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Water - IE - Uncommon$10.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Trade Route - IE - Uncommon$2.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unexpected Allies - IE - Uncommon$0.407 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Walking the Way - IE - Uncommon$10.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Winds of Change - IE - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Zombie Troops - IE - Uncommon$1.501 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Tamako - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Climbing Gear - IE - Uncommon$1.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterattack - IE - Uncommon$10.001 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Emperor's Peace - IE - Uncommon$2.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flight of Dragons - IE - Uncommon$1.003 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hurricane - IE - Uncommon$0.402 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Assassin - IE - Uncommon$15.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kolat Servant - IE - Uncommon$2.002 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Mask of the Oni - IE - Uncommon$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Genin - IE - Uncommon$1.004 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Occult Murders - IE - Uncommon$0.406 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ogre Bushi - IE - Uncommon$1.502 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shame - IE - Uncommon$1.998L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Test of Stone - IE - Uncommon$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Armour of the Golden Samurai - IE - Uncommon$1.007L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Star of Laramun - IE - Uncommon$2.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Togashi Yoshi - IE - Uncommon$5.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Way of Deception - IE - Uncommon$0.994L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Barbican - IE - Uncommon$1.502L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Earthquake - IE - Uncommon$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Tadaka - IE - Uncommon$1.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kakita Yuri - IE - Uncommon$1.503L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Air - IE - Uncommon$2.995L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ring of Earth - IE - Uncommon$8.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ninja Thief - IE - Uncommon$1.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Animate The Dead - IE - Uncommon$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Battering Ram Crew - IE - Uncommon$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Counterspell - IE - Uncommon$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dance Troupe - IE - Uncommon$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Diamond Mine - IE - Uncommon$2.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dragon Helm - IE - Uncommon$1.003L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elemental Ward - IE - Uncommon$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Tsume - IE - Uncommon$4.002L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - OE - Common$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - HE - Reprint$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - JE - Common$1.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - GE - Common$0.2531L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - Twenty Festivals - UncommonFoil$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - PE - Common$1.005L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Superior Tactics - IE - Common$1.498 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Blacksmiths - IE - Common$0.494 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bloodsword - IE - Common$3.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Charge - IE - Common$3.0012 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Yosai - IE - Common$0.361 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Encircled Terrain - IE - Common$0.4911 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Entrapping Terrain - IE - Common$1.0010 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forest - IE - Common$0.493 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hawks and Falcons - IE - Common$0.494 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Challenge - IE - Common$1.0014 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Duel - IE - Common$1.009 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iron Mine - IE - Common$0.492 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Isawa Uona - IE - Common$0.991 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Light Infantry - IE - Common$0.491 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Market Place - IE - Common$0.496 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Bushi - IE - Common$0.494 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Warlord - IE - Common$0.491 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naginata - IE - Common$0.4911 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oath of Fealty - IE - Common$0.4911 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pearl Divers - IE - Common$0.752 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Port - IE - Common$0.601 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Remorseful Seppuku - IE - Common$0.4910 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sanctified Temple - IE - Common$0.495 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Silver Mine - IE - Common$0.496 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Unscalable Walls - IE - Common$0.491 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Bow - IE - Common$0.492 (new)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Deadly Ground - IE - Common$3.009L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Archers - IE - Common$0.409L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Biting Steel - IE - Common$0.405L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Block Supply Lines - IE - Common$0.4014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Break Morale - IE - Common$0.4012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Brilliant Victory - IE - Common$0.406L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Call Upon The Wind - IE - Common$0.405L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Careful Planning - IE - Common$0.4014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Castle of Water - IE - Common$0.4011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Contentious Terrain - IE - Common$0.4511L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Copper Mine - IE - Common$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Crystal Katana - IE - Common$0.4012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Uji - IE - Common$0.506L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dispersive Terrain - IE - Common$0.4012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Energy Transference - IE - Common$0.404L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Famous Poet - IE - Common$0.403L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Go Master - IE - Common$0.409L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Chuckers - IE - Common$0.409L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Mob - IE - Common$0.408L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Goblin Warmonger - IE - Common$0.404L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gold Mine - IE - Common$0.404L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hida Tampako - IE - Common$0.504L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Honorable Seppuku - IE - Common$0.4017L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Intersecting Highways - IE - Common$0.5011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kitsu Toju - IE - Common$0.405L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lesser Mujina - IE - Common$0.4010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Light Cavalry - IE - Common$0.253L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Look into the Void - IE - Common$0.405L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Matsu Gohei - IE - Common$3.0012L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Meditation - IE - Common$0.508L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Medium Cavalry - IE - Common$0.403L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Medium Infantry - IE - Common$0.405L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moat - IE - Common$0.406L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Naga Shugenja - IE - Common$0.403L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Occupied Terrain - IE - Common$0.505L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Outflank - IE - Common$0.5014L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rally Troops - IE - Common$0.5013L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ratling Pack - IE - Common$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Retired General - IE - Common$0.406L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Scout - IE - Common$0.257L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiba Tsukune - IE - Common$0.103L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo Yasamura - IE - Common$0.255L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shuriken of Serpents - IE - Common$0.2517L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Small Farm - IE - Common$2.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Stables - IE - Common$0.259L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Summon Faeries - IE - Common$0.993L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Fury of Osano Wo - IE - Common$0.109L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Toku - IE - Common$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Traversable Terrain - IE - Common$0.2510L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wind Born Speed - IE - Common$0.106L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Horiuchi Shoan - IE - Common$0.402L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Jade Works - IE - Common$3.0010L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Rallying Cry - IE - Common$3.0011L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Spearmen - IE - Common$0.252L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iuchi Lixue -exp1 - CoB - Rare$0.503 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsusung Sensei - LE - Fixed$0.204 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Kihei -exp1 - Promo - PromoLotus$0.6419 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tadaji Sensei - WoE - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Daidoji Kikaze - HC - Rare$1.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chaozhu - DA - Rare$0.64(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Doji Akiko - BB - RareFoil$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025East Hub Village - RotS - Rare$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Oni no Akuma -exp2 - RotS - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Pokku -exp1 - CE - Rare$0.507 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Elite Sentry - SC - Rare$0.2512 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shikaro - SC - Common$0.25(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To First Blood - SC - Common$0.107 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Glory of the Shogun - Emperor Edition - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Delicate Gamble - CoM - Fixed$0.3010 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Poisoned Weapon - GE - RareFoil$6.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Khan's Shining Horde - TTT - Fixed$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Forthrightness - tse - Fixed$0.259 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuburu no Oni - SE - UncommonFoil$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chen -exp2 - KD - RareFoil$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flattery - GE - Uncommon$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Entrapping Terrain - GE - Common$0.106 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Taitaken Sensei - Twenty Festivals - UncommonFoil$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Purity's Fist - Evil Portents - Rare$3.0010 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Peasant Revolt - GE - Uncommon$0.10(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tsuburu no Oni - GE - Uncommon$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bridged Pass - GE - Common$0.107 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Asahina Sekawa -exp1 - BB - RareFoil$1.182 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Moto Chen - APC - Rare$2.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiro Ide - AOF - Fixed$3.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Friendly Traveler Village - AOF - Common$0.104 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Suzume House Guard - WoC - Rare$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Gempukku - WoC - Common$0.25(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To the Last Man - GE - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bountiful Harvest - JE - Rare$1.99(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Arrival of the Emerald Champion - SE - RareFoil$2.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Dirty Politics - SE - RareFoil$2.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Let Your Spirit Guide You - GE - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To the Last Man - GE - RareFoil$4.991 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Overwhelmed - LE - Uncommon$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinjo's Breath - HE2 - Uncommon$5.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Lessons from the Past - ToV - Common$0.2511 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Hitomi Technique - HE4 - Uncommon$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Prophet's Tower - HE6 - Uncommon$0.507 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Resist Magic - GE - Rare$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Iaijutsu Art - GE - Common$1.007 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025To Do What We Must - GE - Uncommon$0.996 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Wind's Truth - GE - Common$3.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Contested Holding - DE - RareFoil$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Tireless Assault - HaE - Common$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Smoke and Mirrors - DE - Uncommon$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Treachery and Deceit - DE - Uncommon$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Flee the Darkness - DE - Common$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Faith In My Clan - DA - RareFoil$2.99(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Banish All Shadows - HE3 - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Wedge - SE - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Avoid Fate - GE - Uncommon$5.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Avoid Fate - DE - Uncommon$7.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shinsei's Shrine - DE - Uncommon$3.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Sneak Attack - JE - Rare$6.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Armor of Crab Clan - EE - Fixed$5.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Halls of the Forgotten (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0025 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Keep of the Dead (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0036 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Midday Shadow Court (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$3.0030 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Plains of the Maiden (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0031 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shamate Keep (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0022 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Shiro Chugo (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0020 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Shadow's Lair (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0036 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Spider's Web (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0021 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Marshalling Fields - EoW - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Castle of Order - SoD - Fixed$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Bishamon's Tower - tse - Fixed$0.99(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Endless Plains of the Unicorn (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F$4.007 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025The Majestic Temple of the Phoenix (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F$4.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Armor of the Dragon Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint$4.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Jan 2025Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn Clan -exp1 - Ivory Edition - Fixed$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Koutetsu Kabe - SE - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Koutetsu Kyuui - SE - Fixed$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Celestial Sword of the Lion -exp1 - EoW - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Celestial Sword of the Dragon -exp1 - SoD - Fixed$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Celestial Sword of the Crab -exp1 - tse - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Celestial Sword of the Phoenix -exp1 - tse - Fixed$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Kinnojo - CoB - Rare$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Ogedei - WoL - Rare$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Gonnohyoe - EoME - Rare$0.596 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Uzuki - DoW - Rare$3.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Fusae - WaD - Rare$2.005 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Genshi - SE - Rare$2.99(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Yuudai - CotM/UCP - Fixed$4.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shinjo Joyung - THW - Rare$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shinjo Wei - PoH - Rare$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Xiao -exp1 - FL - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Jun-Ni - SC - Rare$0.5019 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Ming-Gwok -exp1 (foil) - CoM - Foil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Rumiko -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$7.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shinjo Yoshie - Gates of Chaos - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Iuchi Wattu - Aftermath - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Hyo-Yeon - Ivory Edition - Rare$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Alagh - Ivory Edition - RareFoil$5.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Ide Kosaka - The Coming Storm - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shinjo Yoshie - Gates of Chaos - RareFoil$3.502 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Iuchi Wattu - Aftermath - RareFoil$3.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Ide Hideshi, Topaz Champion - The New Order - Rare$2.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shinjo Jalendu - Twenty Festivals - Rare$2.009 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shinjo Zhi-tae - Twenty Festivals - Rare$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Kazue - Twenty Festivals - RareFoil$3.5011 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Sakiko -exp1 - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Chinua -exp1 - Evil Portents - Rare$3.0010 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Yabusame - Evil Portents - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024The Utaku Palaces - GE - Fixed$2.993 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Moto Hanzhi (Foil) - ClanRivals - PromoGold$2.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Iuchi Karasu -inexp (foil) - CoM - Foil$3.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Your Clan Needs You! - SC - Rare$2.008L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Death after Life - TTT - Rare$1.004L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024The Turquoise Championship - Tourney - PromoEmpire$10.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Private Shrine - Herald - PromoSamurai$1.0012 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Flanked on All Sides - Kotei2010 - PromoCelestial$0.5040 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Temple to Te'tik'kir - Tourney - PromoCelestial$0.256 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Hideshi's Guardian - Holiday2009 - PromoCelestial$0.2514 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Tanuki Tricks - SummerCon2010 - PromoCelestial$0.2526 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Govern the Land - Herald - PromoEmpire$1.508 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Tsuruchi Nobukatsu -exp1 - SoD - Fixed$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Mirumoto Kei -exp1 - TTT - Fixed$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Kjgkt - FOU - Rare$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Mirumoto Sukune -exp1 - FaS - Fixed$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Otaku -exp7 - DotE - Fixed$30.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024The Unclean - Herald - PromoSamurai$1.0018 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Isawa Sawao -exp2 - TTT - Rare$0.503 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shiba Ningen -exp2 - SE - Rare$0.496 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shiba Ningen -exp1 - LE - Rare$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Asako Bairei -exp1 - WoE - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shiba Aikune -exp1 - AOF - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Hidden Dragon Temple - HV - Rare$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shiba Tsukimi -exp2 - HV - Rare$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Matsu Aoiko -exp1 - SE - Rare$0.503 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Isawa Ochiai -exp2 - THW - RareFoil$2.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shiryo no Osano-Wo - HE5 - Rare$1.30(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Held Terrain - DJH - Rare$1.30(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro -exp1 - DJH - Rare$7.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Isawa Ochiai -exp1 - SE - Fixed$1.951 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shiba Ningen -exp3 - PotD - Rare$0.506 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Isawa Ochiai -exp3 - TPW - Rare$1.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Lion's Pride - DJH - Rare$5.007 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Library of Rebirth (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire$2.0037 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Seppun Barru - Kotei2013 - PromoEmpire$1.5012 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 20241 complete EoW uncommon set (50 cards)$4.502 (sale)L5RCard Lotsquixote
Dec 2024Bandit's Sanctuary - Herald - PromoEmpire$0.9941 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Sanzoko - tse - Fixed$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Nishiko - HE2 - Uncommon$1.0013 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Kamoko's Charge - HE3 - Uncommon$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Iuchi Karasu -exp2 - HE5 - Uncommon$0.503 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Hoshi Sensei - SotE - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Hunting Tiger - Promo - PromoGold$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Ikoma Gunjin -exp1 - FaS - Rare$0.991 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Contested Holding - DJH - Rare$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Void Guard - SotE - Uncommon$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Crystal Nagamaki - DJH - Uncommon$0.251 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Ikoma Gunjin - DJH - Uncommon$1.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Hitomi Kobai - HE5 - Rare$2.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Speak with the Voices of the Dead - HE6 - Rare$0.992 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Utaku Stallion - Promo - PromoLotus$0.6440 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Legion of Flame Armor - CotM/UCP - Fixed$0.5015 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024O-Yoroi - CotM/UCP - Fixed$0.5016 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Imperial Sword - Tourney - PromoIvory$18.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shrine to Bishamon - LE - Rare$0.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Tsi Smith (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond$3.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Secluded Outpost - HC - Rare$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Toturi's Shrine - BB - Rare$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Crab Recruiter - APC - Rare$0.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Jimen -exp1 - EJC - Fixed$10.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Soshi Iaike - CotM/UCP - Fixed$1.0012 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Tezuko - CotM/UCP - Fixed$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Soshi Ikio - CotM/UCP - Fixed$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Nobukazo - KYD - Fixed$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Omezo (Foil) - ClanRivals - PromoGold$1.951 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Furuyari - HoR - Fixed$13.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Tower of the Ningyo - CE - Rare$0.5015 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024The Sensei - DaK - Fixed$0.508 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Seiden Sanzo - KD - Rare$8.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Sihaken - IG2 - Fixed$0.508 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Honor's Lesson Dojo (alt. art) - Promo - PromoDiamond$10.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Waru - PlayerPack2012 - PromoEmpire$1.50(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Aibako - SummerCon2013 - PromoIvory$0.5011 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Aggushi & Bayushi Janqu - The New Order - Rare$2.007 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Lane of Immorality - The New Order - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Yogo Chijin - The New Order - Rare$3.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Adachi -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$4.992 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Kan -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$7.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Shinzo -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$7.502 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Ryoken - tse - Fixed$2.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Miryoku no Shima - Twenty Festivals - Rare$1.0014 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Soshi Rei - Twenty Festivals - Rare$5.00(out) (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Tenburo - Thunderous Acclaim - Rare$3.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Kayo -exp1 - Evil Portents - Rare$3.009 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Bokatsu -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$3.992 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Bayushi Saya -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$7.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Dec 2024Shosuro Dazai -exp1 - ToE - Fixed$7.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Satoru - Promo - PromoLotus$2.146 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Western Hub Sake Works - Tourney - PromoSamurai$3.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Favor of the Jade Champion - Tourney - PromoSamurai$1.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Another Time - CE15 - PromoCelestial$0.501 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Ginawa - CE15 - PromoCelestial$0.651 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024I Give You My Name - CE15 - PromoCelestial$1.951 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Ninja Spy - CE15 - PromoCelestial$0.651 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Kimono of the Turquoise Champion - Jewel2012 - PromoEmpire$4.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Gift of the Shogun - Promo - PromoLotus$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Candle of Shadows - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Heavenly Kobune of Suitengu - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$3.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Kakita's Edge - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$0.5013 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Kamoko's Avatar - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$2.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Monkey Man -exp2 - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Naseru's Last Words - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$0.3015 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Shinsei's Tomb - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$1.004 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Shiryo no Matsu -exp1 - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024The Scarab Case - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$1.001 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Togashi's Devoted - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$0.4014 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Tomorrow - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$0.205 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Tomorrow's Hourglass - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$0.504 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Tao of Fu Leng - Tomorrow - FixedFoil$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Matsu Yosa - CE - Common$0.109 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Utaku Gunso - TH - Uncommon$0.507 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Collapsing Bridge - IG2 - Fixed$0.256 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Daidoji Harada - IG2 - Fixed$0.3313 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Fields of Battle - IG2 - Fixed$0.339 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024For My Brothers! - IG2 - Fixed$0.3313 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Kyogen - IG2 - Fixed$0.3314 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Prayer for Guidance - IG2 - Fixed$0.658 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Smuggler's Port - IG2 - Fixed$0.338 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Tamori Masako - IG2 - Fixed$0.2511 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Throwing Knives - IG2 - Fixed$0.3312 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Timely Assistance - IG2 - Fixed$0.3313 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Village Guardian - IG2 - Fixed$0.656 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Wrathful Defense - IG2 - Fixed$0.3310 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Kyuden Hida -exp1 - BtD - Fixed$1.008 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Shamate Keep - BtD - Fixed$2.008 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Utaku Sang-Ju - SummerCon2013 - PromoIvory$0.255 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024The Lion's Charge - WoH - Fixed$0.252 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Utaku Izimi - Ivory Edition - Rare$1.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Matsu Hachiro -exp1 - The New Order - Uncommon$0.505 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Matsu Tayuko - Ivory Edition - Common$0.104 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Matsu Tayuko -exp1 - Evil Portents - Rare$3.006 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Shiotome Troupe - Evil Portents - Rare$4.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Utaku Masako - Thunderous Acclaim - Uncommon$1.003 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Shiotome Patrol - Thunderous Acclaim - Common$0.103 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Towers of the Asako - GE - Fixed$3.002 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote
Nov 2024Matsu Sakaki - WoH - Reprint$0.506 (sale)L5RSinglesquixote

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