Items needing Pictures in L5R (order by Name Edition Rarity ) |
10 Koku - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
20 Koku - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
5 Koku - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Bat - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Draft Rules - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Crab - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Crane - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Dragon - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Lion - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Mantis - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Phoenix - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Scorpion - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Spider - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Glory of the Unicorn - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Imposter - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Lion Ancestor - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
The False Nimuro - A Line in the Sand - Premium |
Black Market - AoD - Reprint |
Copper Mine - AoD - Reprint |
Corrupted Iron Mine - AoD - Reprint |
Crystal Katana - AoD - Reprint |
Dealing With Shadows - AoD - Reprint |
Geisha House - AoD - Reprint |
Gold Mine - AoD - Reprint |
Iron Mine - AoD - Reprint |
Jade Works - AoD - Reprint |
Junzo's Army - AoD - Box |
Merchant Caravan - AoD - Reprint |
Naginata - AoD - Reprint |
Oath of Fealty - AoD - Reprint |
Oni no Seiryoku - AoD - Reprint |
Rallying Cry - AoD - Reprint |
Sanctified Temple - AoD - Reprint |
Skeletal Troops - AoD - Reprint |
Small Farm - AoD - Reprint |
Stables - AoD - Reprint |
Summon Faeries - AoD - Reprint |
The Falling Darkness - AoD - Reprint |
Traversable Terrain - AoD - Reprint |
Togashi Hoshi - BP - Reprint |
Yogo Junzo - BP - Reprint |
Akodo Hiroshi - CE - Reprint |
Akodo Yanagi - CE - Reprint |
Arugai no Oni - CE - Reprint |
Balanced Yari - CE - Reprint |
Buoyed by the Kami - CE - Reprint |
Cavalry Officer - CE - Reprint |
Daigotsu Churo - CE - Reprint |
Deadly Orders - CE - Reprint |
Death Ravagers - CE - Reprint |
Desperation Strikes - CE - Reprint |
Doji Numata - CE - Reprint |
Hida Yumiya - CE - Reprint |
Hiruma Rohitsu - CE - Reprint |
Hongo - CE - Reprint |
Honor & Steel - CE - Reprint |
Imperial Decree - CE - Reprint |
Imperial Elite Guard - CE - Reprint |
Imperial Intercession - CE - Reprint |
Isawa Yutako - CE - Reprint |
Kitsuki Kenichi - CE - Reprint |
Matsu Naomasa - CE - Reprint |
Ogre Savagery - CE - Reprint |
Riding the Clouds - CE - Reprint |
Scouring Flood - CE - Reprint |
Selfless Devotion - CE - Reprint |
Servitors of Stone - CE - Reprint |
Shiba Raiden - CE - Reprint |
Shinjo Shinlao - CE - Reprint |
Shosuro Nitsu - CE - Reprint |
Siege Tactics - CE - Reprint |
Split the Reed - CE - Reprint |
The Call of Battle - CE - Reprint |
The Sea's Lightning - CE - Reprint |
Thunder's Favor - CE - Reprint |
Togashi Osawa - CE - Reprint |
Utaku Elite Guard - CE - Reprint |
Utaku Yumiko - CE - Reprint |
War Encampment - CE - Reprint |
Wrath of the Elements - CE - Reprint |
Yoritomo Kisho - CE - Reprint |
Ancestral Shrines of Otosan Uchi - CJ - Reprint |
Brilliant Victory - CJ - Reprint |
Brotherhood of Shinsei - CJ - Box |
Bushi Dojo - CJ - Reprint |
Castle of Water - CJ - Reprint |
Charge - CJ - Reprint |
Chime of Harmony (misprint) - CJ - Misprint |
Copper Mine - CJ - Reprint |
Crystal Katana - CJ - Reprint |
Deadly Ground - CJ - Reprint |
Forest - CJ - Reprint |
Goblin Mob - CJ - Reprint |
Gold Mine - CJ - Reprint |
Jade Works - CJ - Reprint |
Market Place - CJ - Reprint |
Merchant Caravan - CJ - Reprint |
Moshi Wakiza - CJ - Reprint |
Oath of Fealty - CJ - Reprint |
Occupied Terrain - CJ - Reprint |
Outflank - CJ - Reprint |
Pearl Bed - CJ - Reprint |
Pearl Divers - CJ - Reprint |
Port - CJ - Reprint |
Rallying Cry - CJ - Reprint |
Ring of Air - CJ - Reprint |
Ring of Earth - CJ - Reprint |
Ring of Fire - CJ - Reprint |
Ring of the Void - CJ - Reprint |
RIng of Water - CJ - Reprint |
Sanctified Temple - CJ - Reprint |
Seikua - CJ - Reprint |
Small Farm - CJ - Reprint |
Taro (misprint) - CJ - Misprint |
Tsuruchi - CJ - Reprint |
No Victory - DoW - Reprint |
Rain of Death - DoW - Reprint |
Secluded Waystation - DoW - Reprint |
Brilliant Artisan - Draft - PromoCelestial |
Riverside Port - Draft - PromoCelestial |
The Shrine of the Lady Sun - Draft - PromoCelestial |
20 Koku - Emperor Edition - Fixed |
5 Koku - Emperor Edition - Fixed |
Bamboo Harvesters (Double-sided) - Emperor Edition Gempukku - Fixed |
Border Keep (Double-sided) - Emperor Edition Gempukku - Fixed |
A Dragon's Favor - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Advance Warning - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Agasha Ryo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Apprentice Shinobi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Asahina Michiru - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Asahina Yasutora - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ascending the Ranks - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Back to the Front - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Bamboo Harvesters - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Bayushi Hurunayi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Bayushi Mitsuo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Blind Rage - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Block Supply Lines - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Bonds of Coin - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Bow Before My Will - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Breath of the Heavens - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Brothers in Battle - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Burn the Towers - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Chrysanthemum Blossom - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Cleansing the Path - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Conflagration - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Copper Mine - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Daigotsu Bofana - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Daigotsu Gyoken - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Daigotsu Ishibashi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Daigotsu Matsuda - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Daigotsu Negishi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Disrupting Communication - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Doji Dainagon - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Doji Shunya - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Doji Tatsuki - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ember's Final Fire - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Engulfing Flames - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Fall Back! - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Falling Leaf Strike - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Flooded Pass - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Fortitude - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Geisha House - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Gold Mine - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Halls of the Forgotten - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hard Pressed - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Heart of Rokugan - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hida Bushotsu - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hida Defenders - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hida Hebi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hida Mimori - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hida Takeuchi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Hida Yamadera - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ikoma Shika - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ikoma Shinju - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ikoma Sugo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Incapacitated - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Iron Mine - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Isawa Shunsuko - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Isawa Tamaki - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Isawa Tomohiro - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Journey's End Keep - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Knife in the Darkness - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Kobune Port - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Koshin Keep - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Kunji - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Kyuden Otomo -exp1 - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Large Farm - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Library of Rebirth - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Maga-yari - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Marketplace - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Matsu Hachiro - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Moto Hailung - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Moto Tetsuo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Murderous Intent - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Never Safe - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ninja Tricks - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Outriders - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Pillars of Virtue - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Pride of the Hand - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Prosperous Village - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Remote Village - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Revenge - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Rhetoric - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ring of Air - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ring of Earth - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Ring of Water - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Riverside Port - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Satoshi's Dual Warfans - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Scouring Flood - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shinjo Horibe - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shinjo Itao - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shinjo Taeken - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shinjo's Children - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shinomen Marsh - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shiotome Plains - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shosuro Hawado - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shosuro Konishi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Shosuro Tsuji - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Silent Terror - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Silk Works - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Silver Mine - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Small Farm - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Sniping - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Spiked Tetsubo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Spinning Heel Kick - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Stables - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Steel Soul Dojo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Strength in Terror - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Tell the Tale - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
The Golden Plains - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
The Otoro Estate - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Togashi Hizumi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Togashi Korimi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Togashi Meiyu - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Togashi Torazu - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Togashi Tsukagi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Torch's Flame Flickers - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Tsubute - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Tsunami Tattoo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Tsuruchi Kosoko - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Tsuruchi Tomaru - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Tsuruchi Yashiro - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Unexpected Support - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Veteran Skirmishers - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Vigilant Eyes - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Village Guardian - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Volcano Tattoo - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Well Prepared - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Wisdom Gained - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Yoritomo Nakoshi - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Yoritomo Naoto - EmpireDemo - Fixed |
Armor - Evil Portents - Premium |
Asako Ontaiko - Evil Portents - Premium |
Baraunghar Scout - Evil Portents - Premium |
Beiko's Bear - Evil Portents - Premium |
Bound Earth Spirit - Evil Portents - Premium |
Champion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Conscript - Evil Portents - Premium |
Draft Rules - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Crab - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Crane - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Dragon - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Lion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Mantis - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Phoenix - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Scorpion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Spider - Evil Portents - Premium |
Glory of the Unicorn - Evil Portents - Premium |
Goblin Follower - Evil Portents - Premium |
Illusion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Infiltrating Geisha - Evil Portents - Premium |
Ivory Champion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Kikuchiyo - Evil Portents - Premium |
Large Lion Follower - Evil Portents - Premium |
Lion Ancestor - Evil Portents - Premium |
Lion Follower - Evil Portents - Premium |
Nakumi's Fox - Evil Portents - Premium |
New "Recruit" - Evil Portents - Premium |
Ninja - Evil Portents - Premium |
Ninja Ally - Evil Portents - Premium |
Oni Hatchling - Evil Portents - Premium |
Parumba's Boar - Evil Portents - Premium |
Peasant - Evil Portents - Premium |
Ratling - Evil Portents - Premium |
Readied Blade - Evil Portents - Premium |
Reserve Personality - Evil Portents - Premium |
Ronin Follower - Evil Portents - Premium |
Small Holding - Evil Portents - Premium |
Small Wall - Evil Portents - Premium |
Undead Champion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Wataru's Potion - Evil Portents - Premium |
Witness - Evil Portents - Premium |
Yoshioka's Elephant - Evil Portents - Premium |
Zombie - Evil Portents - Premium |
Zombie Follower - Evil Portents - Premium |
The Forgotten Temple (Full Bleed) - FullBleed - PromoEmpire |
Rallying Cry - GE - Reprint |
Circle of Steel - Gote - Reprint |
Crippling Cut - Gote - Reprint |
Heavy Infantry - Gote - Reprint |
Wisdom of the Keepers - Gote - Reprint |
Accessible Terrain - HE - Reprint |
Agasha Gennai - HE - Reprint |
Archers - HE - Reprint |
Arrows from the woods - HE - Reprint |
Ashamana - HE - Reprint |
Ashigaru - HE - Reprint |
Balash - HE - Reprint |
Basecamp - HE - Reprint |
Black Market - HE - Reprint |
Blacksmiths - HE - Reprint |
Block Supply Lines - HE - Reprint |
Bridged Pass - HE - Reprint |
Brilliant Victory - HE - Reprint |
Bushi Dojo - HE - Reprint |
Careful Planning - HE - Reprint |
Catching the Wind's Favor - HE - Reprint |
Charge - HE - Reprint |
Confusion at Court - HE - Reprint |
Contentious Terrain - HE - Reprint |
Copper Mine - HE - Reprint |
Crossroads - HE - Reprint |
Daidoji Sembi - HE - Reprint |
Deadly Ground - HE - Reprint |
Dispersive Terrain - HE - Reprint |
Diversionary Tactics - HE - Reprint |
Doji Reju - HE - Reprint |
Double Chi - HE - Reprint |
Entrapping Terrain - HE - Reprint |
Farmlands - HE - Reprint |
Fist of the Earth - HE - Reprint |
Forest - HE - Reprint |
Fury of the Earth - HE - Reprint |
Gambling House - HE - Reprint |
Geisha House - HE - Reprint |
Gift of the Wind - HE - Reprint |
Gold Mine - HE - Reprint |
Hawks and Falcons - HE - Reprint |
He's Mine - HE - Reprint |
Heichi Chokei - HE - Reprint |
Hida Tadashiro - HE - Reprint |
Hizuka - HE - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Challenge - HE - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Duel - HE - Reprint |
Isha -exp1 - HE - Reprint |
Island Wharf - HE - Reprint |
Jade Bow - HE - Reprint |
Jade Works - HE - Reprint |
Kaze-do - HE - Reprint |
Light Cavalry - HE - Reprint |
Light Infantry - HE - Reprint |
Market Place - HE - Reprint |
Matsu Goemon - HE - Reprint |
Medium Cavalry - HE - Reprint |
Medium Infantry - HE - Reprint |
Mirumoto Taki - HE - Reprint |
Mukami - HE - Reprint |
Naga Bushi - HE - Reprint |
Naga Guard - HE - Reprint |
Naginata - HE - Reprint |
Narrow Ground - HE - Reprint |
Ninja Shapeshifter - HE - Reprint |
Ninja Spy - HE - Reprint |
Ninja Stronghold - HE - Reprint |
No-Dachi - HE - Reprint |
Oath of Fealty - HE - Reprint |
Occult Murders - HE - Reprint |
Outflank - HE - Reprint |
Pearl Bed - HE - Reprint |
Pitch and Fire - HE - Reprint |
Plains above Evil - HE - Reprint |
Port - HE - Reprint |
Prayer Shrines - HE - Reprint |
Radakast -exp1 - HE - Reprint |
Ratling Conscripts - HE - Reprint |
Ratling Pack - HE - Reprint |
Refugees - HE - Reprint |
Rise of the Phoenix - HE - Reprint |
Ryosei - HE - Reprint |
Sanctified Temple - HE - Reprint |
Sanzo - HE - Reprint |
Scout - HE - Reprint |
Shalasha - HE - Reprint |
Shinjo Sanetama - HE - Reprint |
Shinjo Shirasu - HE - Reprint |
Silver Mine - HE - Reprint |
Skeletal Troops - HE - Reprint |
Small Farm - HE - Reprint |
Spearmen - HE - Reprint |
Stables - HE - Reprint |
Strength of My Ancestors - HE - Reprint |
Superior Tactics - HE - Reprint |
Swamp Spirits - HE - Reprint |
Test of Might - HE - Reprint |
Tetsubo - HE - Reprint |
The Wrath of Osano-Wo - HE - Reprint |
Togashi Mitsu - HE - Reprint |
Toku - HE - Reprint |
Traversable Terrain - HE - Reprint |
Treacherous Terrain - HE - Reprint |
Unscalable Walls - HE - Reprint |
Wakizashi - HE - Reprint |
Yasuki Nokatsu - HE - Reprint |
Yoritomo Takuni - HE - Reprint |
Bisento-do - Herald - PromoIvory |
Deadly Bisento - Herald - PromoIvory |
Horse - Herald - PromoIvory |
Kataoka - Herald - PromoIvory |
Scout Tactics - Herald - PromoIvory |
Expendable Resources (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Ring of Air (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Ring of Earth (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Ring of Fire (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Ring of the Void (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Ring of Water (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Traveling Peddler (Foil) - Holiday2010 - PromoCelestial |
Yogo's Inspiration (FOIL) - Holiday2013 - PromoIvory |
Akodo Kenaro -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Daigotsu Atsushi -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Isawa Uzuyumi -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Kakita Ujirou -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Kuni Renyu -exp3 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Mirumoto Tsuda, Emerald Champion -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Moshi Ikako -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Shinjo Tae-hyun -exp1 (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
Shosuro Sakura (Foil) - Holiday2014 - PromoIvory |
A Moving Battle - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
A Warrior's Brutality - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Akodo Daiken - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Allied Efforts - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Asako Ifukube - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Asako Misora - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Band of Brothers - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Bayushi Aibako - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Bayushi Mifuyu - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Blistering Rain - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Breaking the Rhythm - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Claiming the Ruins - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Coastal Pearl Bed - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Colonial Temple - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Commander's Steed - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Concealed Reserves - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Court Scribe - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Daidoji Gensai - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Daigotsu Chiboshi - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Death of the Winds - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Defensive Formation - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Deliberations - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Directing the Battle - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Doji Kurohime - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Draft Rules - Ivory Edition - Premium |
Exotic Market - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Expanding the Gardens - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Expensive Achievement - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Family Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Floating Reserve - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
General's Hatamoto - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Hida Gojiro - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Hida Iguchi - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Hida Kurabi - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Hidden Storehouse of House Rafiq - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Hiruma Koru - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Hold the Walls - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Honor Replaces Rage - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
House of Prophecy - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Imperial Explorer's Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Isawa Hikarou - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Isawa Ikariya - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Isawa Koizumi - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Jade Pearl Inn - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Kaiu Gorobei - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Kakita Izumiko - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Kakita Ujirou - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Khalimpeh-jiak - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Kiyoshi's Wrath - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Lakeside Retreat - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Lost Blade of the Maharaja - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Mirumoto Bojan - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Mirumoto Omero - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Mirumoto Tsuda - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Moto Paikao - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Move the Troops - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Naga Remnants - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Never Without a Weapon - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
New Cavalry Tactics - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Nexus of Lies - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Outnumbered - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Planted Evidence - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Productive Mine - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Provoked Violence - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Questionable Merchant - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Recovering What Was Lost - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Ritual Preparation - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Sailor's Warning - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Shinjo Sujikaro - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Simple Spears - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Strategic Withdrawal - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Strength of the Bear - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Suana Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Tactical Setback - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Tempest of Air - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Emerald Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Eternal Rainbows - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The False Route - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Ivory Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Jade Temple - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Obsidian Dueling Grounds - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Topaz Dojo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
The Turquoise Court - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Tiger Claw - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Toritaka Iabuchi - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Trade Embargo - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Gombei - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Nishima - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Shusaku - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Unchecked Fury - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Unholy Strike - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Unpleasant Truths - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Unsettling Gathering - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Utaku Sakiko - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Utaku Sang-Ju - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Versatile Blade - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Yogo Nobukai - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Yogo Takashi - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Yoritomo Ichido - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Yoritomo Mikaru - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
Yukihime's Hot Springs - Ivory Edition - Reprint |
A Terrible Oath (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Bayushi Kachiko, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Black Wind from the Soul (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Dark Divination (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Doji Hoturi, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Doom of Fu Leng (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Fu Leng, the Ninth Kami -exp1 (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Hida Yakamo, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Isawa Tadaka, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Mirumoto Hitomi, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Otaku Kamoko, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Return of the Fallen Lord (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Shapeshifting (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
The 12th Black Scroll (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
The Hooded Ronin, Descendant of Shinsei -exp1CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
The Iron Citadel (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
The Walking Horror of Fu Leng (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
The Wasting Disease (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Togashi Yokuni, Kami -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Toturi, Seven Thunder -exp2CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Touch of Despair (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Touch of Fu Leng (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Yoritomo, Son of Storms -exp1CW (FOIL) - Kotei - PromoIvory |
Archers - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Armory - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Asahina Handen - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Asahina Kimita - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Ashigaru Archers - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Bayushi Churai - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Bayushi Kwanchai - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Bayushi Paneki - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Bayushi Shixiang - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Bayushi Tai - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Block Supply Lines - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Charge - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Contentious Terrain - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Dai Tsuchi - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Daidoji Enai - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Daidoji Gudeta - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Diversionary Tactics - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Doji Nagori - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Doji Yasuyo - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Dragon's Claw Katana - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Duty to the Clan - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Elite Spearmen - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Encircled Terrain - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Entrapping Terrain - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Geisha House - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Glimpse of the Unicorn - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Heavy Infantry - L5R Experience - Fixed |
High Morale - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Hitsu-Do - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Iaijutsu Challenge - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Iaijutsu Duel - L5R Experience - Fixed |
In Time of War - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Jade Bow - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Jade Works - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Kabuki Theater Troupe - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Kaze-do - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Kolat Assassin - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Kosaten Shiro - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Light Infantry - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Marketplace - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Medium Infantry - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Naginata - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Port - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Provision Storehouse - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Purity of Spirit - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Rallying Cry - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Remember the Mountain - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Sanctified Temple - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Silk Works - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Slander - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Small Farm - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Soshi Angai - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Spearmen - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Strength of My Ancestors - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Test of Might - L5R Experience - Fixed |
The Hiruma Dojo - L5R Experience - Fixed |
The Towers of the Yogo - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Toturi Sezaru - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Wakizashi - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Yasuki Hachi - L5R Experience - Fixed |
You are the Crane Clan... - L5R Experience - Fixed |
You are the Scorpion Clan... - L5R Experience - Fixed |
Oni no Ugulu - PE - Reprint |
Stand against the Waves - PE - Reprint |
Breach of Ettiquette - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Counter Attack - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Evil Feeds On Itself - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Iaijitsu Challenge - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Iajitsu Duel - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Inversion of Energies - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Iuchi Dayu - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Market Place - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Matsu Hirotu - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Motto Seiki - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Naganata - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Ring of Void - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
The Fist of Osano-Wo - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
The Way of Deception - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
Tsuburu No Oni - PreImp - PromoPreImp |
A New Wall (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
A'ichtr'foo - Promo - PromoDiamond |
A'ichtr'foo (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Akasha - Promo - PromoGold |
Akasha (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Akodo Dairuko, the Steel Lion -exp2 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Akodo House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Akodo's Shrine (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Ancestral Armor of the Crab Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Crane Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Dragon Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Lion Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Mantis Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Phoenix Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Scorpion Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Spider Clan (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn Clan -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Asako Tsunefusa -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Back to the Front (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Bayushi Nitoshi, the Poison Mask -exp2 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Bayushi Ryo (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Bayushi Sunetra -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Bayushi Toshimo -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Block Supply Lines (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Book of Air - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Book of the Void - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Book of Water - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Castle of the Wasp (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Celebration - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Crab (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Crane (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Dragon (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Lion (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Phoenix (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Scorpion (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Celestial Sword of the Unicorn (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Chiang-Tsu - Promo - PromoGold |
Contentious Terrain (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Crippling Blow - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Crippling Blow (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Daigotsu Kanpeki, the Shadow Emperor -exp3 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Dark Oracle of Earth -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Defensive Screen (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Doji Kurohito -exp2 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Doji Makoto, the Smiling Blade -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Dragon Puzzle Box - Promo - PromoGold |
Encircled Terrain (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Enlightenment - Promo - PromoGold |
Feared Duelist (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Forward Patrol - Promo - PromoJade |
Fu Lion - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Goju Yurishi -exp2 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Hatamoto (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Heavy Cavalry (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Hida Kisada, the Little Bear -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Hida Kuon -exp3 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Hida's Shrine - Promo - PromoGold |
Hiruma House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Horobei (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Hoshi House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
House of Tao (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Hunting Tiger - Promo - PromoGold |
Hunting Tiger (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Ide Tadaji (pearl border) - Promo - PromoJade |
Imperial Assembly - Promo - PromoGold |
Incapacitated (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Interesting Times - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Iron Mountain (F&S) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
Isawa House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Isawa Kaede (pearl border) - Promo - PromoJade |
Isawa Shunryu, the Infinite Eye (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Isawa's Last Wish (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Iuchiban (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kabuki Theater Troupe (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Kaiu Watsuki -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Kakita Dueling Academy (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kakita House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kakita Ikura (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Kakita Yoshi (pearl border) - Promo - PromoJade |
Kan'ok'ticheck -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Keeper of Air - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Keeper of the Void - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Keeper of Water - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kenson Gakka (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kitsu Motso (pearl border) - Promo - PromoJade |
Kuso - Promo - PromoGold |
Kyuden Agasha (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kyuden Doji (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kyuden Gotei (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kyuden Hida (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kyuden Ikoma (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Kyuden Kitsune (F&S) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
Make a Wish - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Make a Wish (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Matsu Chizuki (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Matsu Nimuro -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Mirumoto Shikei, the Laughing Dragon -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Morning Glory Castle (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Moto Chagatai -exp2 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Moto Naleesh, the Living Goddess -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Moto Taigo, Shogun -exp2 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Mystical Augmentation (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Ninja Shapeshifter (pearl border) - Promo - PromoJade |
Northern Provinces of the Moto (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Ogre Elite (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Otomo Ishihama - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Porcelain Mask of Fu Leng -exp1 - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Porcelain Mask of Fu Leng -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Prayers and Blessings (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Ray of Hope (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Razor's Edge Dojo (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Rikugunshokan (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Ring of Air (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Ring of Earth (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Ring of Fire (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Ring of the Void (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Ring of Water (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Rumeurs a la Cour (Rumors at Court) - Promo - PromoGold |
Sadamune Blade (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Sanctified temple (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Scouting Report - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Sharp-Sharp Stick (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Shiba Mirabu -exp2 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Shinsei's Last Hope (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Shinsei's Shrine (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Shiro Mirumoto (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Shiro Shinjo (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Shosuro House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Small Farm (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Soul's Sacrifice (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Sparrow Clan Aide (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Strange Assembly - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Taking Credit (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Tamori Seiken -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Tattered Ear Watcher (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Tattoo Madness - Promo - PromoJade |
Tch'tch Warrens (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Temple of the Ninth Kami (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Temples of the Crow (F&S) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
Tetsubo of Thunder (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
The Ancestral Home of the Lion (GC 2006) - Promo - PromoLotus |
The Ancient Halls of the Lion (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Ancient Halls of the Lion (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Brotherhood of Shinsei (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Council Reforms - Promo - PromoGold |
The Daimyo's Gift -exp1 - Promo - PromoDiamond |
The Endless Plains of the Unicorn (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Esteemed Palace of the Crane (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Eternal Temple of the Phoenix (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Exquisite Palace of the Crane (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Fortified Monastery of the Dragon (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Fruitful Port of the Mantis (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Fruitful Port of the Mantis (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Golden Plains of the Unicorn (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Grand Halls of the Lion (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Great Walls of Kaiu (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Hidden Bastion of the Spider (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Hidden Temples of the Naga (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Hidden Temples of the Naga (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Honorable Garrison of the Lion (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Impregnable Fortress of the Crab (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Kitsu Tombs (AmD) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Legion of Two Thousand (Foil) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Majestic Temple of the Phoenix (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The New Akasha (AmD) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Power Resides in the Mountains - Promo - PromoGold |
The Power Resides in the Mountains (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
The Provincial Estate of Unicorn (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Remote Monastery of the Dragon (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Ruins of Isawa Castle (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Ruins of Isawa Castle (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Shadow Stronghold of the Bayushi (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Shadow Stronghold of the Bayushi (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Shadowed Estate of the Scorpion (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Shadowed Estate of the Scorpion (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Shadowed Tower of the Shosuro (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
The Shadowlands Horde (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Shadowlands Horde (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
The Sinister Citadel of the Spider (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
The Spawning Ground (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
The Stone Breaker - Promo - PromoDiamond |
The Towers of the Yogo (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
The Unassailable Fortress of the Crab (FOIL) (2 cards) - Promo - Promo20F |
The Yoritomo Alliance (PE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
Togashi Satsu -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Togashi Yoshi (pearl border) - Promo - PromoJade |
Toturi Kyoji - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Toturi's Army (JE) (mon-backed) - Promo - PromoJade |
Tsi Smith (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Utaku House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Victory of the Thunders (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
War in the Heavens - Promo - PromoJade |
Warrens of the Nezumi - Promo - PromoGold |
Warrens of the Nezumi (Foil)(Diamond) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Warrens of the Nezumi (Foil)(gold) - Promo - PromoGold |
Welcome Home - Promo - PromoGold |
Welcome Home (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Where Respect is Due - Promo - PromoGold |
Where Respect is Due (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Wise Investment (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Wounded in Battle (alt) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Yakamo's Claw (Foil) - Promo - PromoGold |
Yoritomo Hiromi, the Growing Storm -exp2 (FOIL) - Promo - PromoIvory |
Yoritomo House Guard (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Yoritomo Kumiko -exp1 (Foil) - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Yoritomo Matsuo -exp1 (FOIL) - Promo - Promo20F |
Yotsu Bodyguards - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Yotsu Dagarasu - Promo - PromoDiamond |
Zokusei - Promo - PromoGold |
Asahina Ekei - SEb - Rare |
Assigning Blame - SEb - Rare |
Brute Force - SEb - Rare |
Doomed Intentions - SEb - Rare |
Flanking Action - SEb - Rare |
Fusami - SEb - Rare |
Hope from Death - SEb - Rare |
Impressive Resilience - SEb - Rare |
Insolence Punished - SEb - Rare |
Isawa Sawao -exp2 - SEb - Rare |
Justly Earned Victory - SEb - Rare |
Masakazu - SEb - Rare |
Moto Chai - SEb - Rare |
Recruiting Allies - SEb - Rare |
Shiba Aikune -exp3 - SEb - Rare |
Shosuro Jimen - SEb - Rare |
Standing Fast - SEb - Rare |
Unexpected Betrayal - SEb - Rare |
Unexpected Intimidation - SEb - Rare |
Unshakable - SEb - Rare |
Wrath of the People - SEb - Rare |
A Growing Rift - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
A Stout Heart - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Abundant Farmlands - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Aranai's Armor - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Asako Misora - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ashigaru Spearmen - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Back to the Front - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bamboo Harvesters -exp1 - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Akagi - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Atsuto - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Dijuro - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Masashi - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Meiko - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Mifuyu - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Nitoshi, the Poison Mask -exp2 - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Toshimo - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Yasunari - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Blessed Sword - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Blistering Rain - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Block Supply Lines - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bonds of Service - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bountiful Fields - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Breaking the Rhythm - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Carpenter Shrine - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Casting Aside Honor - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Chaos of Battle - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Counting House - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Creating Order - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Deep Harbor - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Disciples of Ganesh - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Divination Bowl - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Encircled Terrain - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ensorcelled Longsword - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Entrenched Position - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Exotic Market - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Expansive Range - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Fall Back! - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
False Ring of Water - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Fearless Devotion - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Final Sacrifice - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Geisha House - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Gidayu Sensei - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
House of Exotic Goods - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Inexplicable Challenge - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Insight - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Inspired Devotion - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Iron and Stone - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Isawa Genma - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Isawa Kaisei - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Isawa Shunryu, the Infinite Eye - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Isawa Uzuyumi - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Jade Pearl Inn - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Jiramu's Wakizashi - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Kabuki Theater Troupe - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Khalimpeh-jiak - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Kikage Zumi Initiates - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Koan's Staff - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Kobune Port - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Lost Equipment - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Moshi Ikako - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Moshi Rukia - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Mystical Augmentation - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Nexus of Lies - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Not Yet Finished - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ominous Armor - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Productive Mine - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Rae Sensei - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ramifications - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Recruitment Station - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Relentless - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ring of Earth - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ring of the Void - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Ruthless Determination - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Sailor's Warning - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Sasada - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Seeking the Way - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Servitors of Stone - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Shiba Eraki - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Shiba Iaimiko -exp1 - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Shiba Myoushi - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Shiba Tsurao - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Shiba Yuuchi - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Shosuro Kayo - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Silver Mine - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Sons of Gusai - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Soul of Earth - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Sparrow Clan Aide - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Strength in Subtlety - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Suana Dojo - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Suffer the Consequences - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Temple of Tengen - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Temple of the Heavenly Crab - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Tested Blade - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
The Eternal Temple of the Phoenix - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
The Fruitful Port of the Mantis - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
The Greater Threat - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
The Shadowed Estate of the Scorpion - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
The Sorrow -exp1 - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
The Turtle's Shell - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Thoughtless Sacrifice - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Tiger Claw - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Tochiko, the Jagged Tusk of Death - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Traveling Market - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Tsuruchi -inexp - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Kaito - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Taito - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Unassailable Defense - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Unholy Strike - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Victory Through Deference - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Way of the Mantis - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Words of Consecration - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Yogo Nobukai - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Yoritomo Dairu - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Yoritomo Ichido - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Yoritomo Teihiko - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Yoritomo Yashinko -exp1 - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Yoritomo Yusuke - Siege: Heart of Darkness - Reprint |
Bayushi Tomaru (1ph) - SL - Misprint |
Charge - SL - Reprint |
Copper Mine - SL - Reprint |
Crystal Katana - SL - Reprint |
Deadly Ground - SL - Reprint |
Energy Transference - SL - Reprint |
Forest - SL - Reprint |
Goblin Warmonger - SL - Reprint |
Gold Mine - SL - Reprint |
Hawks and Falcons - SL - Reprint |
Honorable Seppuku - SL - Reprint |
Jade Works - SL - Reprint |
Look Into the Void - SL - Reprint |
Oath of Fealty - SL - Reprint |
Pearl Divers - SL - Reprint |
Rallying Cry - SL - Reprint |
Sanctified Temple - SL - Reprint |
Shosuro Taberu (9gc) - SL - Misprint |
Silver Mine - SL - Reprint |
Small Farm - SL - Reprint |
Soshi Bantaro (1ph) - SL - Misprint |
Stables - SL - Reprint |
Yuki no Onna (5gc) - SL - Misprint |
Akodo Matoko - SoMP - Reprint |
Another Time - SoMP - Reprint |
Block Supply Lines - SoMP - Reprint |
Bloodstained Forest - SoMP - Reprint |
Careful Planning - SoMP - Reprint |
Charge - SoMP - Reprint |
Copper Mine - SoMP - Reprint |
Deadly Ground - SoMP - Reprint |
Diversionary Tactics - SoMP - Reprint |
Entrapping Terrain - SoMP - Reprint |
Focus - SoMP - Reprint |
Fog - SoMP - Reprint |
Glimpse of the Unicorn - SoMP - Reprint |
Hawks and Falcons - SoMP - Reprint |
Heart of the Inferno - SoMP - Reprint |
Heavy Cavalry - SoMP - Reprint |
Heavy Infantry - SoMP - Reprint |
Higher Ground - SoMP - Reprint |
Horsebowmen - SoMP - Reprint |
Hurricane - SoMP - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Duel - SoMP - Reprint |
Ikoma Gunjin - SoMP - Reprint |
Ikoma Technique - SoMP - Reprint |
Ikoma Tsanuri - SoMP - Reprint |
Iuchi Daiyu - SoMP - Reprint |
Jade Works - SoMP - Reprint |
Kabuki Theater Troupe - SoMP - Reprint |
Kitsu Okura - SoMP - Reprint |
Large Farm - SoMP - Reprint |
Light Infantry - SoMP - Reprint |
Matsu Ketsui - SoMP - Reprint |
Matsu Morishigi - SoMP - Reprint |
Matsu Suhada - SoMP - Reprint |
Medium Cavalry - SoMP - Reprint |
Medium Infantry - SoMP - Reprint |
Moto Yesugai - SoMP - Reprint |
Mounted Spearmen - SoMP - Reprint |
New Year's Celebration - SoMP - Reprint |
Otaku Kamoko - SoMP - Reprint |
Otaku Xieng Chi - SoMP - Reprint |
Provincial Estate of the Unicorn - SoMP - Reprint |
Retired General - SoMP - Reprint |
Shinjo Hanari - SoMP - Reprint |
Shinjo Sadato - SoMP - Reprint |
Shinjo Yasamura - SoMP - Reprint |
Silk Works - SoMP - Reprint |
Small Farm - SoMP - Reprint |
Spearmen - SoMP - Reprint |
Stables - SoMP - Reprint |
Stifling Wind - SoMP - Reprint |
Strength of Purity - SoMP - Reprint |
Strike at the Tail - SoMP - Reprint |
The Ancestral Home of the Lion - SoMP - Fixed |
The Fires That Cleanse - SoMP - Reprint |
Unexpected Allies - SoMP - Reprint |
Another Time - SoSM - Reprint |
Arrows From The Woods - SoSM - Reprint |
Balash - SoSM - Reprint |
Basecamp - SoSM - Reprint |
Block Supply Lines - SoSM - Reprint |
Bountiful Harvest - SoSM - Reprint |
Careful Planning - SoSM - Reprint |
Charge! - SoSM - Reprint |
Damesh - SoSM - Reprint |
Explosives - SoSM - Reprint |
Falling Star Strike - SoSM - Reprint |
Forest - SoSM - Reprint |
Ginawa - SoSM - Reprint |
Gold Mine - SoSM - Reprint |
Hasame - SoSM - Reprint |
Hawks and Falcons - SoSM - Reprint |
Heavy Infantry - SoSM - Reprint |
Hitomi -exp3 - SoSM - Reprint |
Hitomi Akuai - SoSM - Reprint |
Hitomi Kobai - SoSM - Reprint |
Hoshi -exp1 - SoSM - Reprint |
Hoshi Eisai - SoSM - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Challenge - SoSM - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Duel - SoSM - Reprint |
Ikudaiu - SoSM - Reprint |
Jade Works - SoSM - Reprint |
Kirazo - SoSM - Reprint |
Kolat Assassin - SoSM - Reprint |
Large Farm - SoSM - Reprint |
Light Infantry - SoSM - Reprint |
Medium Infantry - SoSM - Reprint |
Mirumoto Bujun - SoSM - Fixed |
Mirumoto Taki - SoSM - Reprint |
Mushin - SoSM - Reprint |
Naga Bowmen - SoSM - Reprint |
Naga Bushi - SoSM - Reprint |
Naga Shugenja - SoSM - Reprint |
Naga Spearmen - SoSM - Reprint |
Naga Warlord - SoSM - Reprint |
Naginata - SoSM - Reprint |
Ninja Thief - SoSM - Reprint |
No-Dachi - SoSM - Reprint |
Outflank - SoSM - Reprint |
Pearl Bed - SoSM - Reprint |
Prayer Shrines - SoSM - Reprint |
Qamar - SoSM - Reprint |
Ring of the Void - SoSM - Reprint |
Ryoku - SoSM - Reprint |
Sanctified Temple - SoSM - Reprint |
Seppun Hotaitaka - SoSM - Fixed |
Shagara - SoSM - Reprint |
Shioda - SoSM - Reprint |
Small Farm - SoSM - Reprint |
Spearmen - SoSM - Reprint |
Strength of My Ancestors - SoSM - Reprint |
Takao -exp1 - SoSM - Reprint |
The Turtle's Shell - SoSM - Reprint |
Toku - SoSM - Reprint |
Akodo Shigetoshi -exp2 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Akodo's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Bamboo Harvesters (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Bayushi Paneki -exp5 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Bayushi's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Border Keep (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Central Castle (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
City of Tears (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Copper Mine (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Daigotsu -exp3 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Doji Domotai -exp4 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Doji's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Dragon's Guard City (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Fields of the Dead (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Fortress of the Forgotten (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Fu Leng's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Geisha House (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Gold Mine (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Great Hall of Records (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Hida Kuon -exp6 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Hida's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Hidden Moon Dojo (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Iron Mine (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Kobune Port (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Kyuden Hida (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Last Step Castle (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Marketplace (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Mirumoto Kei -exp2 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Moto Chen -exp3 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Mountain Watch Keep (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Palace of Crimson Shadows (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Pillars of Virtue (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Seawatch Castle (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Seven Fold Palace (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Seven Seas Port (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Seven Stings Keep (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shattered Peaks Castle (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shiba Tsukimi -exp3 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shiba's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shinjo's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shinomen Marsh (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shiro Daidoji (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Shrine of Champions (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Silver Mine (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Stables (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Tetsu Kama Mura (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
The Field of the Winds (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
The Fingers of Bone (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
The Shadowed Dojo (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
The Utaku Plains (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Thunder Dragon Bay (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Togashi's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Twin Soul Temple (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Venerable Plains of the Ikoma (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Yoritomo Naizen -exp3 (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Yoritomo's Guidance (Foil) - Store - PromoCelestial |
Breached Oni - TA - Token |
Charter - TA - Token |
Hired Samurai - TA - Token |
Kaxt - TA - Token |
Ki Podling - TA - Token |
Yuribara's Butterflies - TA - Token |
5 Koku - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Bat - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Draft Rules - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Crab - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Crane - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Dragon - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Lion - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Mantis - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Phoenix - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Scorpion - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Spider - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Glory of the Unicorn - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Lion Ancestor - The Coming Storm - Premium |
Armor - The New Order - Premium |
Asako Ontaiko - The New Order - Premium |
Ashalan - The New Order - Premium |
Baraunghar Scout - The New Order - Premium |
Bat - The New Order - Premium |
Beiko's Bear - The New Order - Premium |
Champion - The New Order - Premium |
Clay Yojimbo - The New Order - Premium |
Goblin Follower - The New Order - Premium |
Imposter - The New Order - Premium |
Ivory Champion - The New Order - Premium |
Kiba - The New Order - Premium |
Kichi's Shadow Badger - The New Order - Premium |
Kikuchiyo - The New Order - Premium |
Light Follower - The New Order - Premium |
Lion Ancestor - The New Order - Premium |
Lion Follower - The New Order - Premium |
Little Elephant - The New Order - Premium |
Major Illusion - The New Order - Premium |
Medium Cavalry Follower - The New Order - Premium |
Medium Follower - The New Order - Premium |
Minor Illusion - The New Order - Premium |
Nakumi's Fox - The New Order - Premium |
Oni Hatchling - The New Order - Premium |
Onyx Oni - The New Order - Premium |
Parumba's Boar - The New Order - Premium |
Small Holding - The New Order - Premium |
The False Nimuro - The New Order - Premium |
Tower Guard - The New Order - Premium |
Tsumaro's Illusion - The New Order - Premium |
Undead Champion - The New Order - Premium |
Unexpected Weapon - The New Order - Premium |
Wataru's Potion - The New Order - Premium |
Yamazaru's Monkey - The New Order - Premium |
Zombie - The New Order - Premium |
10 Koku - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
20 Koku - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
5 Koku - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Armor - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Asako Ontaiko - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Baraunghar Scout - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Beiko's Bear - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Champion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Conscript - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Draft Rules - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Crab - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Crane - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Dragon - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Lion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Mantis - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Phoenix - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Scorpion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Spider - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Glory of the Unicorn - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Goblin Follower - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Illusion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Infiltrating Geisha - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Ivory Champion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Kikuchiyo - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Large Lion Follower - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Lion Ancestor - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Lion Follower - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Nakumi's Fox - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
New "Recruit" - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Ninja - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Oni Hatchling - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Parumba's Boar - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Peasant - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Ratling - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Readied Blade - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Reserve Personality - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Ronin Follower - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Small Holding - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Small Wall - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Undead Champion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Wataru's Potion - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Witness - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Yoshioka's Elephant - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Zombie - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Zombie Follower - Thunderous Acclaim - Premium |
Archers - TOV - Reprint |
Blacksmiths - TOV - Reprint |
Break Morale - TOV - Reprint |
Charge - TOV - Reprint |
Copper Mine - TOV - Reprint |
Corrupted Silver Mine - TOV - Reprint |
Encircled Terrain - TOV - Reprint |
Entrapping Terrain - TOV - Reprint |
Fist of the Earth - TOV - Reprint |
Gold Mine - TOV - Reprint |
Hawks and Falcons - TOV - Reprint |
Hida Unari - TOV - Reprint |
Iaijutsu Challenge - TOV - Reprint |
Iron Mine - TOV - Reprint |
Isawa Tomo - TOV - Reprint |
Jade Works - TOV - Reprint |
Market Place - TOV - Reprint |
Master of the Rolling River - TOV - Reprint |
Oni no Tadaka - TOV - Reprint |
Rallying Cry - TOV - Reprint |
Sanctified Temple - TOV - Reprint |
Shiba Tetsu - TOV - Reprint |
Silver Mine - TOV - Reprint |
Small Farm - TOV - Reprint |
Stables - TOV - Reprint |
Strength of My Ancestors - TOV - Reprint |
The Wrath of Osano-Wo - TOV - Reprint |
Traversable Terrain - TOV - Reprint |
Wisdom the Wind Brings - TOV - Reprint |
Ao-bozu's Blade - TPW - Common |
Earthen Tetsubo - TPW - Common |
Hariya's Blade - TPW - Common |
Infantry Follower - TPW - Common |
Toshi Ranbo Guard - TPW - Common |
A Brother's Destiny (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
A Champion's Tactics - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
A New Alliance - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Advance Warning - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Agasha Kyokuta - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Age of Enlightenment (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Akodo Dairuko, the Steel Lion -exp2 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Akodo Dojo - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Akodo Iketsu - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Akodo Kaiken - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Akodo Kenaro - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Akodo Raikitsu - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Aid - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Crab Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Crane Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Dragon Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Lion Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Mantis Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Phoenix Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Scorpion Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Spider Clan - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ancestral Armor of the Unicorn Clan -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Armor (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Army Like a Tide - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Asako Ontaiko (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Ashigaru Fort - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ashigaru Spearmen - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Back to the Front - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Baraunghar Scout (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Bayushi Akagi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bayushi Irezu - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bayushi Meiko - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bayushi Nitoshi, the Poison Mask -exp2 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bayushi Toshimo - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Beiko's Bear (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Besieged Fortifications - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bitter Lies Technique - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Block Supply Lines - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bountiful Fields - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Brilliant Cascade Inn - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Bushido's Scourge - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Carpenter Shrine - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Champion (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Come One at a Time - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Contentious Terrain - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Copper Mine - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Counting House - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Daigotsu Atsushi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Daigotsu Kanpeki, the Shadow Emperor -exp3 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Daigotsu Konishi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Daigotsu Onosaka - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Daigotsu Roburo - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Daigotsu Takahide - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Dawn of the Empire (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Deafening Thunder - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Death from Above - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Deep Harbor - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Defending the City - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Defensive Memorial - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Discovering the Daisho of Water - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Discretionary Valor - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Do Not Delay! - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Doji Dainagon - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Doji Katata - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Doji Makoto, the Smiling Blade -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Doji Natsuyo - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Drawing First Blood - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Encircled Terrain - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ensorcelled Longsword - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Expert Archers - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Fall Back! - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Family Library - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Famous Bazaar - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Farmer's Market - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Fearful Volley - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Fearless Devotion - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Fire and Air - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Flashy Technique - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Frontline Encampment - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Fueling the Flames - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Geisha House - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Glory of the Crab (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Crane (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Dragon (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Lion (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Mantis (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Phoenix (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Scorpion (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Spider (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Glory of the Unicorn (glory) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Goblin Follower (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Gold Mine - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hanamachi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Heavy Cavalry - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hida Kisada, the Little Bear -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hida Kurima - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hida O-Win - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hida Saiyuki - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hida Zaiberu - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hidden Dagger - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Hidden Emperor (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Higher Ground - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
House of Exotic Goods - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
House of the Floating Lotus - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
House of the Red Lotus - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ideological Differences - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ikoma Ichimoko - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Crab) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Crane) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Dragon) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Lion) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Mantis) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Phoenix) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Scorpion) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Spider) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Favor (Unicorn) - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Imperial Summons - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
In Awe of the Earth - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
In Stillness, Forge the Soul - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Incapacitated - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Inexplicable Challenge - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Infiltrating Geisha (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Iron Armor - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Iron Mine - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Isawa Genma - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Isawa Kaisei - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Isawa Kamiko - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Isawa Kido - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Isawa Kosea - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Isawa Shunryu, the Infinite Eye - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ivory Champion (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Jade Works - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Jiramu's Court - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Jiramu's Wakizashi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Kabuki Theater Troupe - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Kaiu Axe - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Kakita Amiki - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Kakita Jikeru - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Kikage Zumi Initiates - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Kikuchiyo (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Kobune Port - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Large Lion Follower (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Light Cavalry - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Lion Ancestor (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Lion Follower (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Lonely Dojo - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Marketplace - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Matsu Agai - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Matsu Tayuko - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Medium Cavalry - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Higaru - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Hikuryo - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Niwa - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Shikei, the Laughing Dragon -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Takanori - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Touya - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mirumoto Yoritama - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Momiji's Chambers - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Moshi Madohime - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Moto Alagh - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Moto Naleesh, the Living Goddess -exp1 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Moto Okano - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Mounted Skirmishers - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Nakumi's Fox (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
New "Recruit" (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Ninja (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Ninube Shiho - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Okura is Released - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Oni Hatchling (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Open Ground - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Open Roads - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Osano-Wo's Bow - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Overwhelming Offense - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Parumba's Boar (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Plain Library - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Planned Departure - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Punishing Blow - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Pursuit Riders - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Race for the Throne (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Ratling (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Reign of Blood (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Reinforced Parangu - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Relentless - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Remote Temple - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Reserve Personality (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Return to Your Feet - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Ronin Follower(token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Ruthless Determination - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Sadamune Blade - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
School of Wizardy - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Scorpion Clan Coup (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Scouting Amid the Snow - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Seeking the Way - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shielded by Tempest - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shigekawa's Court - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shinai - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shinjo Tobita - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shinomen Marsh - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shosuro Keiichi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shosuro Kiyofumi - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Shrine to Hachiman - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Silver Mine - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Singing Blade - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Skeletal Troops - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Small Holding (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Sparrow Clan Aide - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Springing the Ambush - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Stables - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Stand or Run - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Storm-Forged Blade - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Streets of the Second City - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Strike to Both Sides - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Suitengu's Embrace - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Taken Hostage - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Temple of Serenity - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Temple of the Heavenly Crab - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Tested Blade - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
The Age of Exploration (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
The Clan Wars (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
The Destroyer Wars (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
The Eternal Chase - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
The Four Winds (story) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
The Inner Ring - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Tonfajutsu - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Kaito - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Longbow - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Tsuruchi Taito - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Two Swords, One Cut - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Undead Champion (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Unexpected Attack - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Untested Blade - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Versatile Army - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Vigilant Eyes - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Wataru's Potion (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Way of the Crab - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Crane - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Dragon - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Lion - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Mantis - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Phoenix - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Scorpion - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Spider - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Way of the Unicorn - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Weakness Exposed - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Witness (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Yasuki Trader - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Yomanri Archers - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Yoritomo Hiromi, the Growing Storm -exp2 - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Yoritomo Ichido - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Yoritomo Teihiko - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Yoritomo Yakuwa - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Yoshioka's Elephant (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Zlkyt's Family - Twenty Festivals - Reprint |
Zombie Follower (token) - Twenty Festivals - Premium |
Shosuro Higatsuku - WoE - Reprint |