4.4 Automatic Shipping Calculation
(tag: shiphelp)
First, here's the shipping I use:
US/Canada: 1-4 cards: $1, 5-20 cards: $2, 21+ cards: $.10 each. Most other Countries: 1-4 cards: $1.50, 5-20 cards: $3, 21+ cards: $.15 each.So.. to set up the shipping rules, I need to set up 3 sets. One for US, one for Canada, and One for everyone else.
Each set has 1-4 cards, 5-20 cards, and 21-1000000 cards.
1-4 cards is a flat fee of $1 (US/Canada) or $1.50 (no country = everyone else)
5-20 cards is a flat fee of $2/$3
21-1000000 cards is a Sum fee of $.10/$.15
Here's a pic of what I have:
If I wanted my shipping per auction instead of per card, I would have chosen auctions instead of qty units.
How it calculates:
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