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Imperial Auction Block Help Pages

2.4 Do you send SPAM/UCE email?

SPAM: We do not condone the use of email to send unwanted bulk messages (UCE or SPAM) to our users. However, we will send email to your account under the followin conditions:
  1. If you run an auction, you will get an email when the auction closes.
  2. If you win an auction, you will get an email when the auction closes.
  3. Email can be initiated by users on behalf of other users for asking questions, asking for references, or various other tasks.
  4. Email may be sent if you are outbid on an item (future planned enhancement).
  5. After a person signs up for an account, a confimation email will be sent to the person.
  6. When a person forgets or changes their password, an email will be sent.
  7. If there is an important announcemenet that is applicable to all IAB users, such as a major policy or system change. For most announcements, email will not be sent, but an announcement added to the top of the front IAB page.
Note: We will not ever sell, give, or otherwise distribute the entire list of email addresses to any other party under any circumstances.
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